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RE: Eating Lab-Grown Eel Meat (Japanese Unagi)

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

Yeah, I hear you. Oo and I love octopus too, but yeah I don't eat it anymore either. I also don't miss meat to any great degree. The older I get, the more enjoyment I get from vegetables and mushrooms alone, so I have more than enough food that I can get pleasure from on this side of the meat divide.

It's interesting, though. If this lab-grown meat is safe (that is, no bad chemicals are used in the growing of it) and if it really is harmless (these cells are harvested in a painless way that doesn't harm the animal) then this could be a tremendous technology to give all meat-lovers their fix while saving the lives of many animals.


I agree .. perhaps that insatiable hunger of youth that consumes without thought or consequence has shifted to something more moderate.

If people who relish a 'juicy steak' could feel less squeamish about lab meat and more squeamish about mass extinction and animal agriculture then half the planets problems could be solved ..