How to make a low-cost, but delicious Ice Candy at home

Do you feel warm and want to eat a cold sweet without spending too much money?


Well, I suggest making an ice candy at home. Due to warm temperature, my nieces and I decided to make an ice candy. We do not have an ingredient at home. So, we go to the nearest sari-sari store and buy the ingredients that we need.

Ice candy is like a sweet ice pop that you can easily make at home. It is perfect for summer or hot weather condition. It is a common cold sweet in my country, the Philippines. It is just simple and fast in making an ice candy. It does not need too many ingredients and it does not need to much time in preparing it. You can use any flavor you like such as mango juice, milk, chocolate, and other flavor. You can also mix a grated mango, grated avocado, peanuts, grahams, chocolate bits, or any fruits that you like.


The Ingredients in Making an Ice Candy are the following:

  1. 2 pieces of mango
    (We are using the mango that stock in our refrigerator for days and you can put as many as you can. It depends on your preferences.)
  2. 2 cans of sweetened condense milk.
    (We choose to use sweetened condense milk flavor and Ube flavor)
  3. 2 liters distilled water or mineral water per can of condense milk.
  4. ¼ refined sugar and brown sugar

Materials needed are:

  1. Small plastic bag for ice candy – it is where the mixture is place. In the Philippines, we called it here ice candy wrapper.
  2. Ladle or Stirring utensil – it is use for stirring.
  3. Soup ladle – it is used to scoop the mixture.
  4. Funnel – it is used to place on the small opening of the ice candy bag.
  5. Big container – it is where you can put the mixture.
  6. A container -it is where to place the finish product.


1.) Dilute a 1 can sweetened condense milk in 2 liters of distilled water or mineral water.


2.) Stir the mixtures using a ladle or you can use any stirring utensils.
3.) Wait until the sweetened condense milk is blend well with the water.


4.) Mix a ¼ refined sugar or brown sugar to the solutions.
5.) Stir it again until the sugar is dissolved.


6.) Then, place the grated mango on the mixtures and stir.
(In grating the mango, we are just using a fork because we do not have a grater.)
7.) The mixture is now ready for packing.


8.) Put the funnel on the small opening of the ice candy wrapper.


9.) Place 2 scoop of the mixture on it using a soup ladle.
10.) Do not put too much mixture on the ice candy bag so that it is not difficult for you to tie it.
11.) In 1 ice candy bag or ice candy wrapper, you can put two scoops of the mixtures. The number of scoops also depends on the size of your soup ladle.


12.)Then, tie the end of the ice candy wrapper or ice candy bag well.
13.) Place the ice candy in a clean container.


14.) Lastly, place the ice candy inside the freezer and wait for two or three hours.



After 2 or 3 hours, it is ready to serve and eat. Just cut the end of the ice candy bag or ice candy wrapper before you eat. If you want to stock the ice candy for later days, just keep it inside your freezer.

You can also make an ice candy for business especially now that it is summer where a lot of kids or people in the neighborhood wanted to eat an ice candy. Aside from stocking the ice candy inside the freezer, you can also place it in an ice bucket and sell it to the neighborhood. Just close the ice bucket properly to avoid exposure to heat or air because it will thaw the ice candy. You can sell it for 5 to 10 pesos per piece. You sell it according to your capital.

Capital – is the total amount of money that you spend for all the ingredients in making the ice candy.

For the ice candy that we made, I only spent 199 pesos and 28 centavos for 58 pieces.

Prices of the ingredients in Sari-sari store:

Sari-sari store – it is a small local store in the Philippines which sell different products; usually it sells the basic needs in the locality.

1 can of Jersey Sweetened Condense Milk regular – it cost 50 pesos.
1 can of Jersey Sweetened Condense Ube flavor – it cost 55 pesos.
¼ Refined sugar – it cost 25 pesos
¼ brown sugar – it cost 20 pesos
Plastic bag for ice candy – it cost 15 pesos.
4 liters of distilled water or mineral water – I just got it in my kitchen.

For the 2 pieces of mango, I just price it according to how many pieces of mango in 1 kilo. 1 kilo of mangoes cost 120 pesos and there are 7 pieces in 1 kilo. The number of mangoes really depends on the size of the mango. Some mangoes are bigger and other are smaller in size. The mangoes that I bought just almost have the same sizes. I calculated the price and I found out that one mango cost 17 pesos and 14 centavos.

If I sell the ice candy that we made,

My capital is 199 pesos and 28 centavos.

My profit is 90 pesos and 72 centavos if I sell it for 5 pesos each.

My profit is 148 pesos and 72 centavos if I sell it for 6 pesos each.

My profit is 206 pesos and 72 centavos if I sell it for 7 pesos each.

However, the ice candy that we made is only for our consumption.

If you decided to have an ice candy business, sell it according to your capital and make it sure that you will have a profit. You also considered the distilled water or mineral water that you use, the electricity for the freezer, and of course your effort.

You can have more profit if you buy the ingredients in a wholesale store or in a grocery store.

That’s all for my blog. Thank you so much for reading. Please upvote and reblog.


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Thank you so much @hivebuzz I could have not done anything without you. I am happy and grateful. Thank you really @hivebuzz

Wow, two badges in a row, that's awesome @diamondinthesky! 🎉

Omygash ube is one of my favorite ice cream 😭 but sadly I can't find anyone that's currently selling ice candy😔

Likewise Ma'am @tvlipz02 I also like ube ice candy.

I will visit your place ma'am @diamondinthesky for the ice candy. 😅😅

Hahaha finished already Ma'am @fixyetbroken consumed in just one click Ma'am by my nephews and Nieces.

It will always sold out when it's free ma'am @diamondinthesky.

Hehe that's true Ma'am @fixyetbroken

Besides being refreshing, they look delicious.

Thank you for the compliment Sir @miguelc88 It is truly delicious.

Ice candy!Perfect sa mainit na panahon. 😁

You are absolutely right Ma'am @althea0620 it is perfect for the warm weather in our country.

That's a perfect cold sweet foods to beat the heat! Now I'm also craving for some ice candy. But I'd rather buy than make it, baka pwdng pabahagi at pa order ng tatlo? Hahaha charrr

Hehe I wish you lived nearby Ma'am @ruffatotmeee so I can give you.

Wow! I am sure this is so delicious and indeed the best recipes to beat the summer heat. I love ice candy!

Thank you for the compliment Ma'am @pinkchic I wish you lived nearby Ma'am so I can give you an ice candy

That's perfect for this season maam @diamondinthesky. My sister also sell ice candy but she stopped when she was not able to get profit because we're eating it ahhahaha it irresistible.

You are totally right Ma'am @digdeeper2
Hehehe that's okay Ma'am.

perfect for hot weather sir