Homemade Steamed Sponge Cake | Daily Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Howdy guys! Long time no see. I'm sorry about that, i was sick for a few days. But gratefully, i'm getting better now. And i hope u guys also in a good condition.

Well... in this post, i'm gonna share u a recipe (again?). I've made a steamed sponge cake. To be honest, i made this about a few days ago before i got sick, but i just got around to post now.
I've been learning how to make cake for a long time and i tried making it in many different ways. The first time i made it myself, it tasted extremely bad ngl. So i tried various ways to improve until it tastes better. But... i still don't know if my cooking has improved or not. Lmao.

Okay, let's go ahead to the recipe.


  • 4 tbsp of flour
  • 2 eggs, separate whites and yolks
  • 5 tbsp of sugar
  • 4 tbsp of butter
  • 4 tbsp of evaporated milk
  • ⅓ tsp of baking soda
  • 5 drops of food coloring (additional)
  • chocolate condensed milk


First, put an empty pan on a stove and put the butter into it. Melt the butter.

After that, pour the melted butter to the bowl. Add the egg yolks and beat them.

Then sift the flour together with the baking soda. Add them to the batter.

Pour the evaporated milk and stir them well.

Well, after that we prepare the egg whites in a bowl.

We have to beat it until fluffy-creamy (soft peak). For this case, i used whisk. It took about 15 minutes. But if u have mixer, u just have to beat it for about 5-7 minutes.

Add sugar gradually while beating.

Now it looks like cream, right?

Then pour that egg white cream to the batter.

Stir them gently.

Take 3-4 tablespoons of the batter. Add enough chocolate condensed milk.

Stir well.

Then pour it into the plastic.

After that, for uncolored batter, add the food coloring. I used green. But this is additional.

Stir gently.

After that, prepare the cake tin. Pour the colored batter.

Remove the bubbles with a toothpick.

Then cut the corner of plastic that contains brown batter. Then pour it like this.

Make it like a painting on the cake with a toothpick.

After that, put the cake tin into the steamer.

Steam for about 35-40 minutes.

And... Ta-daa... Whoops, looks like i made a mistake. Why doesn't the cake look green? Hahaha, i'm sorry about that. But the painting on the cake is still visible, right?

Even so, the texture of this cake is still soft. It's also sweet and delicious.


Alright guys, thanks a bunch for visiting my post. I'm so sorry cuz i made some mistakes in this post. Hehe.

See ya later!


Amazing delicacy 😋 Enjoy yourself 😋

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Rajin sekali adik ku masak masak❤

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