Infusión de Tilo y frutas (RECETA/RECIPE) - SP-EN

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago

Infusión de Tilo estilo Yoyo's Health 🍐🫖🌿

Varias veces a la semana, tengo la costumbre de preparar infusiones. Me gusta su sabor y además todos los beneficios que traen. A veces hago de orégano, otras de jengibre y hoy le toco el turno al tilo.

Yoyo's Health Style Tilo Infusion 🍐🫖🌿

 Several times a week, I have the habit of preparing infusions. I like their flavor and also all the benefits they bring. Sometimes I prepare them with oregano, other times ginger and today it's the Tilo's turn.

Se conoce popularmente como tilo, tila, carpintero y té criollo, aunque su nombre científico es Justicia pectoralis. Es una planta de la familia de las Acantáceas, de amplia utilización para el tratamiento de afecciones nerviosas.


 It is popularly known as tilo, carpenter and Creole tea, although its scientific name is Justicia pectoralis. It is a plant from the Acanthaceae family, widely used for the treatment of nervous conditions. 

Estas plantas para infusión son sembradas en mi jardin y son frescas y orgánicas.
Aqui les dejo una deliciosa receta con frutas que cree para que la infusión sea aún más deliciosa. En esta receta utilicé dos tipos de fruta: carambola o ciruela china y pera roja.

These infusion plants are grown in my garden and they are fresh and organic. 
Here is a delicious recipe with fruits that I created to make the infusion even more delicious. In this recipe I used two types of fruit: star fruit or Chinese plum and red pear.



1- Tilo 5 ramas
2- Agua 1 litro
3- Miel o azúcar al gusto
4- Frutas (cualquiera) tres cucharadas
5- Un buen paladar 😋


  • Hervir el Tilo hasta que el agua tome un color amarillo.
  • Picar las frutas en cuadraditos.
  • Colar las frutas y miel en una taza.
  • Vertir la infusión de tilo en la taza.
  • Dejar reposar unos minutos




1- tilo 5 branches
2- Water 1 liter
3- Honey or sugar to taste
4- Fruits (any) three tablespoons
5- A good palate 😋


  • Boil the tilo until the water turns yellow.
  • Chop the fruits into small squares.
  • Strain the fruits and honey into a cup.
  • Pour the tilo infusion into the cup.
  • Let it rest for a few minutes

Es una infusión muy rica, el tilo tiene un sabor agradable además de las propiedades sedantes. Se puede tomar en cualquier momento para relajarse o disfrutar. Al mezclar la infusión caliente con las frutas este adquiere una sabor delicioso.

Espero les guste y si lo preparan me dejan saber si les gustó. Se puede hacer con cualquiera tipo de infusión.

 It is a very tasty infusion, tilo has a pleasant flavor in addition to sedative properties. It can be taken at any time to relax or enjoy. When you mix the hot infusion with the fruits, it acquires a delicious fruity flavor.

I hope you like it and if you prepare it, let me know if you liked it too. It can be made with any type of infusion.

Haré un video de como prepararlo mas adelante.

 I will create a video later on on how to prepare it.



  • La receta: INFUSIÓN DE TILO CON FRUTAS es creada por mi (Yoyo's Health)
  • Las fotografías utilizadas para esta publicación son tomadas por mi (Yoyo's Photograph)
  • Publicación creada en


  • The recipe: LIME INFUSION WITH FRUITS is created by me (Yoyo's Health)
  • The photographs used for this publication are taken by me (Yoyo's Photograph)
  • Post created on

This looks so refreshing. I do have those fruit growing in my backyard in Jamaica. They are great for cooling down and are super nutritious:)

It was really tasty, I wanna try it cold one day to see if it's also good. I'm sure cold Ice Tilo will be even more refreshing. Thanks for reading 🙏.

Se ve delicioso 🤤👍🏻

Primera vez que lo hago y me gustó mucho. Quiero hacer de otras infusiones con otras frutas. Gracias por leer 🙏.

Buen trabajo amigo 😉👏

Muchas gracias 🙏

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Cool... Growing little by little... Thanks for the vote @hivebuzz

Wow, two badges in a row, that's awesome @havandris! 🎉

Hi @havandris

In this post we do not see the step by step of the recipe. This is necessary. On the other hand, since your account is new and I believe it is the first time you share content on Foodies Bee Hive, you must appear in the photos making your recipes. Next I share two posts which I recommend you read. Greetings.

Hello @foodiesunite
Yes! I'm pretty new to Hive and still learning how to follow all rules in every community. There's a part on the post that says PREPARATION where I mention the steps to make the infusion. I also have a video I want to post with the whole making of my recipe. I'll read the community rules and fix my post to follow the instructions on the Foodies Bee Hive community. Thank you so much for your guidance.

You cannot make a written post of a recipe and then a video, that is considered a repost, and is a practice not accepted throughout Hive. I recommend that you read the posts that we provide you carefully, and even though the community rules do not establish that you appear in the photos, being new and this being requested by us, you must comply.

Just because your recipe says it is PREPARATION is not enough, the step by step of each recipe must be accompanied by photos.


Eso haré... Quiero probar hacerla con otros ingredientes... Saludos y gracias por leer 🙏