Blessed with food on Saturday at Aunt's and Sunday's eating out

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago (edited)

Saturday at Aunt's

Another weekend had passed. Grateful that we got to spend time with my Aunt. We reached her house early to ensure ample time together. And without fail, she cooked us sumptuous lunch.

Pan Fried Prawns and Fish Fillet

This was our most favourite among all her dishes. She always bought the freshest prawns and a simple coating the prawns with frying flour and pan fried — super delicious.

The fish fillet was fillet-ed by her, deboned, then she usually kept all the bones for fish bones broth the next day. These fish fillet was also so fresh and so yummy.

Stir Fry Chicken with vegetables

This one was very flavourful. With all the natural sweetness from broccoli, cauliflowers and cherry tomatoes and the umami flavour from mushroom, this was basic stir fry with Chinese sauces such as soy sauce and oyster sauce. There was a slight sesame oil fragrance too. Yums!

I thoroughly enjoyed the lunch so much. Felt so blessed eating homecooked food with love. Definitely healthier version too because Aunt did not use a lot of oil and salt.

The son loved the food so much that he also took photos of them to show his friends. Haha.

After the lunch, I spent some time chitchatting with Aunt while sipping the brown sugar ginger tea she made for us. The youngest son surprisingly really loved the ginger tea while the eldest son did not really fancy.

Then, the boys spent time playing in the room while I continued talking with Aunt. At the end before we left, as usual, she packed for us some food for our dinner. And a pack of biscuit for us. Yay!!!

Sunday at Fatty Kampua

There was a Sunday where we ended up at Fatty Kampua again. Because I was craving this one...

Three Layer Tea

This was popular drink at Sarawak especially at the state of Kuching, three layer tea consisted of a layer of palm sugar, evaporated milk and tea. So refreshing to drink this during hot day.

Stir Fry 'Pai Guo Gan'

'Pai Guo Gan' is rice cake in this shape. You can see it from the photo below, it was special. It was like eating another version of Teppoki but flatten one. I loved the chewy texture and Fatty Kampua really stir fried it well. With enough wok-hei, and enough seasoning, with generous amount of vegetables, egg and meat, this was a delicious meal. I was satisfied.

Pien Nuk

We also ordered the must-ordered for all Sarawakian, 'Pien Nuk' is foochow language meaning flatten meat. They flattened the meat in wonton skin. The dry version was super delicious with enough onion oil in lard, drizzled and tossed with seasoning. Yums!

Nasi Lemak & red wine meesua

Eldest son ordered 'nasi lemak' fried chicken, the Malaysian dish made of coconut milk steamed rice, with roasted anchovies and peanuts and sambal. He was busy playing his Cod of Duty here haha.

Husband got himself noodle cooked in red wine soup. As usual, super umami flavour and delicious.

Every week, when another new week restart, we always believe for new grace and new strength for our new daysss ahead.


Omg this is a banquet, the fried prawns and the fish fillet have a really crunchy air, a dish that has a delicious air, but the pao gui guan also has an excellent air, a small surprise of rice, the chicken with vegetables is a classic that is always good and then your husband's dish really inspires me, it looks like such a tasty soup! So today I discovered some new dishes that I didn't know about!

The fish fillet looks really delicious!

It seems like you are very skilled at preparing menus and cooking food👍