Easy fast cook // Chicken Fajita Wrap

It's a wrap! Lol...

We had been eating catering Chinese food for weeks for lunch, it came with one protein, one seafood and a vegetables, ate with rice. It was time for something different. So I whipped up a simple dish.

Chicken Fajita Wrap

I had all the ingredients ready, just needed to go out to get a wrap.


I used chicken fillet, onions, garlic, yellow capsicum and red capsicum. Clean all of them and cut according to desired cut.

I marinated the chicken with coriander powder, cumin powder, smoked paprika, a little bit chilli powder and some salt and pepper.

In a pan, use one tablespoon of butter, then sautéed the onions and garlic till aromatic.

After this, added in the marinated chicken, stir fry till the chicken was cooked.

Then, I added in the capcisums, stir fry to soften abit. Later on, I added some rose onions for more fragrance.


The chickens ingredients for the fajitas wrap was ready! Really loved the beautiful colour of the capcisums paired with the chicken.

Again, it was a wrap!

Just used this ready-wrap, we love Mission brand the most, soft and fluffy. Added in the amount of chicken capsicum you wanted and wrapped accordingly!

So delicious.

My eldest son ate three wraps! Myself and my youngest son ate one wrap. Husband is on carnivore diet and he q to go out to hunt food to ease me from cooking wayyyy more for him.

Bon Appetit!


Looking delicious 😋

Looks yummy. I wanna try this kind of food but can't find that kind of wrapper here

Ummmmm. They looked really yummy!
The last time I made I had garam masala and cumin powder in it.
I forgot which recipe I followed but that is not kids friendly because of spicy. 😅