Homemade sweet potato balls dessert

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, this is my first time trying to make sweet potato balls desert at home, and luckily it was a successful try so I want to share my recipe to all of you. This is a nice dessert made from all easy to find ingredients and it's also easy and fun to make as well.


The ingredients to make this dessert include:

  • Sweet potato
  • Tapioca starch
  • Coconut milk
  • Sugar/Condense milk
  • Grass jelly
  • Roasted peanut and coconut flakes



How to make the sweet potato dessert
Step 1: Chop sweet potato into small pieces then steam them until soft


Step 2: When the sweet potato was cooked, put it into a bowl and let it cool down. Use a folk to mash the sweet potato to smooth, then slowly add in the tapioca starch and mix well until you have a smooth dough that doesn't stick to your hands. You can also add milk to the dough if it's too dry.




Step 3: Make small balls from the dough, coat the balls by tapioca starch to avoid sticky. At the same time, boil water in a pot.


Step 4: Slowly add the balls to the boiling water, wait until the balls float to water surface then take them out and put them in a bowl of cold water.





Step 5: Mix coconut milk with sugar or condense milk then heat the mixture on low heat to warm. Add the cooked sweet potato ball into the mixture then turn off the heat and let it cool.



How to serve the sweet potato soup

Cut the grass jelly into pieces and put into a bowl, add the sweet potato balls and the coconut milk mixture, sprinkle with roasted peanut and coconut flakes, then it's ready to serve.





This is a perfect summer dessert. The potato balls are soft and chewy, with the sweet taste from coconut milk and the refreshing taste from the grass jelly. Adding ice can make this dessert more enjoyable in a hot day.

Thank you so much for reading my post!


This is a very nice recipe indeed! Thank you very much for sharing it and for your most appetizing photographs! I'm a little bit unsure about step 3 (it might just be a very minor error skipping a step), but other than that I might actually want to try it out myself one day to see how it tastes! All the best and take care! Namaste! :)

Thank you so much @vikthor for stopping by my post and thanks for spotting my counting error for the steps as well 😊 I have just fixed it in my post. Hope you give this dessert recipe a try and will like it as I do. Hope you have a great day!

Thank you very much! Have a great day too and take care! :)

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Ôi khéo ghê em ơi, NZ đang nóng mà ăn bát nì thì ổn áp quá

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Bửa ni level nấu ăn chụp hình xịn sò quá. Nhìn hấp dẫn ghê á :)

Haha may mua được củ khoai vàng nên chụp ảnh nó lên màu đẹp á c

Uhmmmm se e delicioso! excelente receta! cada día se aprende algo nuevo en HIVE. 🤗

Muchas gracias @evamillan por pasar. ¡Espero que tengas un gran día!

😘 làm bán được luôn ròi chị Oanh ơi 😘👍👍👍

haha tự nấu tự ăn thôi chứ ăn hàng vẫn ngon hơn nh. ưu điểm của việc ở vùng sâu vùng xa là cái j cũng tự nấu đc hết 😂 mỗi tội ăn ngon hay k mỗi mình mình biết kaka

The desert looks amazing..

Thank you very much @alegriatube12! Hope you have a nice day!

vườn khoai đã hết chưa ? hihi,. em khéo tay thế. nhìn nhon quá

vườn khoai e dọn sạch sẽ lâu r c. đang gieo lứa đậu nữa để chờ thu hoạch kaka

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