Sweet and sour pork ribs - Easy recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)

Sweet and sour pork ribs is one of my favorite dishes. This is a dish with a harmonious combination of the salty taste of fish sauce, the sweetness of sugar, the mild sourness of tomatoes and the spicy taste of chili peppers, these are all typical flavors in Vietnamese dishes. There are many recipes for this dish with each version having a unique taste. The recipe that I am sharing today is one of the recipes that I learned from my mom and is also the one that I use the most.


The ingredients we need for this dish include:

  • Pork ribs
  • Tomatoes
  • Chilli, Garlic, Lemongrass, Spring Onion
  • Fish sauce and sugar

For the ribs, we should boil the ribs briefly in boiling water with a little salt added to clean the ribs and reduce the bad smell.


After cleaning the ribs, fry the ribs on a hot pan until golden on all sides.


In the same time, we can crush and chop chilli, garlic, lemongrass and cut tomatoes into wedges.


Pre-mix sugar and fish sauce in a small bowl with the ratio of 1 teaspoon of sugar to 3 teaspoons of fish sauce. Then stir-fry the chopped garlic and lemongrass with the excess oil after frying the ribs. When the garlic and lemongrass start to turn golden, add chopped tomatoes and chili then stir-fry for 5 minutes. After that, add the fried ribs and the mixture of sugar and fish sauce in, simmer until thickened. Add some chopped spring onion to garnish and all done :)


This dish goes very well with rice. I usually add a little more chili to add more spiciness to this dish. This is also a common dish in family meals in Vietnam.


Thank you for reading my post! Hope you guys will try and succeed with my recipe.


Chảy nước miếng! Chảy nước miếng em ui 🤤. Đầu bếp này xịn sò quá!

hehe e cám ơn c nhe. e nấu cùi lắm có mấy món tủ đơn giản nhìn màu mè e mới dám đưa lên đây thôi c :)

yumy. nhìn bắt mắt lắm em ưi. món này tốn cơm lắm nè

Thank u c Loan :) e thích ăn mấy món vừa mặn vừa cay kiểu này, công nhận đưa cơm thiệt kaka

I really want to make this dish!

Your sweet and sour pork ribs looks so delicious 😋😋😋😋

Thank you very much @itsmiessyonpeakd! Hope you will try my recipe and share the result with me :) Have a nice weekend!

sườn ngon quá 😍 nhiều thịt nữa. Hơn hồi mình mua toàn là cọng ko luôn

hôm đó đi chợ hên gặp cả cái mảng sườn luôn á Uyên :) về còn nấu đc cả nồi canh dưa chua v sườn nữa

👍 nhìn mảng sườn này nó chất lượng ghê 😘 hôm nào làm chà bông cá nữa đi chị Oanh

h chuyển qua làm chà bông gà r Uyên. k mua đc cá rẻ như hồi mình làm cá nữa kaka

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