Wholesome Homemade Sunflower Seed Butter: A Nutrient-Packed Delight

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago

Hey Foodie Friends! 🌻✨

Hope you're all feeling fantastic today! I've got something special brewing in the kitchen, and I couldn't wait to share it with you.


Picture this: Homemade Sunflower Seed Butter – made with love, simplicity, and just a dash of kitchen magic. ✨✨✨


Embrace simplicity in your kitchen with this easy-to-make homemade sunflower seed butter. With just two main ingredients, sunflower seeds and Celtic salt, you can whip up a delicious and nutrient-packed spread. The optional touch of nutmeg adds a delightful nuance to this versatile butter.


• 250g sunflower seeds
• 1/2 tsp Celtic salt
• Optional: Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg for that extra oomph!

Preheat your oven to 200ºC and prepare a baking tray with parchment paper – we're in for a toasty treat!


Wash the sunflower seeds thoroughly in fresh water until the water runs clear.



Drain the seeds using a sieve to remove excess water - then let them soak up some sun (or oven warmth) in the tray. 😁


Transfer the seeds to the prepared baking tray, spreading them evenly with a spatula.



Bake the seeds for 10 minutes at 190ºC, occasionally whisking with the spatula to eliminate moisture.



Reduce the oven temperature to 170ºC and bake for another 10 minutes until the seeds turn golden (avoid over-colouring).


After a golden sunbathing session, we'll blend those seeds into a smooth, creamy concoction. ✨


Allow the seeds to cool completely at room temperature before processing.


Once cooled, transfer the seeds to a food processor.



Process until a smooth, creamy consistency is achieved, scraping down the sides as needed.


If necessary, pause the food processor to prevent overheating. Add salt and nutmeg (if using), adjusting to your taste and continue processing.


Once your sunflower seed butter reaches your desired consistency, transfer it to airtight containers or glass jars.



Cover the butter with clean kitchen paper before sealing with a lid to ensure complete cooling.



Store the sunflower seed butter in a cool, dark place for up to three months.


Nutritional Benefits:
Now, here's where the real magic happens. Sunflower seeds are a powerhouse of goodness – think Vitamin E, magnesium, and copper and healthy fats doing the happy dance, promoting skin health and supporting overall well-being.. They're like tiny bursts of sunshine for your body! 🌟


Savour the wholesome goodness of this homemade sunflower seed butter, elevating your dishes with a touch of homemade warmth and nourishment. Enjoy experimenting with various recipes, discovering the endless possibilities that this delightful spread brings to your table.


Challenge Time! 🚀
I challenge you, my foodie friends, to take this homemade sunflower seed butter and work your kitchen wonders. Whip up your favourite recipes, be it salad dressings, cookies, cakes, or pancakes – the possibilities are as endless as your imagination!


Share Your Culinary Masterpieces 🌈👩‍🍳:
Let's turn this into a culinary journey together! Share your creations and tag me. I'd love to see your kitchen adventures and feature some of your fantastic recipes on my page. After all, good food is meant to be shared, right?


So, grab your aprons, gather your ingredients, and let the sunflower seed butter magic begin! Cheers to creating wholesome goodness in our kitchens. 🎉💛✨


Happy Cooking!👩‍🍳😍

**Thank you so much 🙏 for visiting and reading my post, all of which are 100% my original content. **

About The Author

During her leisure hours, she's a dancing enthusiast, an avid forager in nature, a culinary maestro crafting healthy delights in her kitchen, a doting grandmother spending quality time with her grandson, a fitness enthusiast sweating it out in the gym, an explorer navigating the realms of cryptocurrencies, and so much more!


defenitily I would try this one to replace peanut butter. seems easier to make than making peanut butter :). thanks for the idea. :)

You're welcome @anggreklestari ! 😊 Absolutely, it's a simple and tasty alternative to peanut butter. Give it a try, and feel free to get creative with your favorite recipes using sunflower seed butter. Enjoy! 🌻🍯

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Thank you, @edwing357 and @foodiesunite ! 🍽️ I'm delighted to be a part of the FoodiesUnite community on #Hive. Can't wait to share more gastronomic delights and join the foodie fun. Appreciate the FOODIE boost! ✨

Welcome always, we love to eat and eat hahaha, we hope to see you soon. 🤗

Thank you again! 🙏 I'm excited to share more delicious recipes and connect with fellow foodies. I ❤️ being part of this amazing community! 🤗🍴

🤗🤗🤗 good day 😊

🌟 Good day to you too! 😊 Hope it's filled with positivity and joy! 🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you, @bhattg and Indiaunited community! 🙌 I appreciate the manual curation and support. I'll definitely check out the Discord Server. Exciting to learn about earning a passive income through delegations. I'll explore the handy links for delegations too. 👍

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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Thank you, @plantpoweronhive ! 🌱 I appreciate the curation and the invitation. I'll definitely check out your community and explore the possibilities of delegations. Looking forward to being a part of it! 🌿

What a great idea! I love tahini so I'm sure I'd love this!

I'm glad you like the idea! Homemade sunflower seed butter adds a delightful earthy touch to any dish, making it rich and flavourful. If you give it a try, I hope you enjoy the creamy goodness! 😊🌻


It is great to find this recipe in the community, without a doubt it is a very nutritious and delicious product.

Try to be in more photos making your recipes, it's a way for the foodie family to get to know you better.

Greetings @monivis

@sagarkothari88 vote 15%

Hey @monivis! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @sirenahippie
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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

Thank you so much for the support, @sagarkothari88 ! I truly appreciate it. It motivates me to keep sharing and creating on Hive. 🙏✨

@monivis you're most welcome

Thank you 🙏 for the encouragement and suggestion! I'll definitely try to share more photos and give the Foodie family a better glimpse into my culinary world. I appreciate your positive feedback! 🍽️📸

Amazing! I'm all for this "butter". I just need some sunflowers seeds with no shell.

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing recipe, @monivis ❤️

You're very welcome! 😊 If you don't have shelled sunflower seeds on hand, you can easily find shelled sunflower seeds online through various platforms. Websites like Amazon, Walmart, or health food stores usually offer a variety of options. Make sure to check customer reviews and product descriptions to ensure you're getting good quality seeds. Happy shopping and enjoy making the sunflower seed butter! 🌻🛒