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RE: Eating Lab-Grown Eel Meat (Japanese Unagi)

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

And given how studies about everything that gives a ton of profit tend to be "blurry" when made by the same company providing the product... I will wait. All the changes in the food that we normally eat are probably the cause of a ton of auto-immune disorders; I'll try and eat as natural as I can, minimum of processed food and if possible coming from biological sources. After all... we are what we eat! ;)


Studies about everything tend to be "blurry" unfortunately. Few scientists are removed from bias. Like all these coffee studies that show how good coffee is for us, for example. But the results are only interpreted that way because the people doing the study love coffee and they want it to do well. I'd like it to do well too, but at the same time I want a real non-bias result that shows the good and the bad. It's not their fault—human bias is almost impossible to remove. This is one area that AI may really help us, by removing even the unconscious bias.

I guess we'll see a ton of AI improvement in a (very) near future... so we'll find out for sure! :)