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RE: Need some inspiration for Valentine’s Day? 💖 Roasted Red Pepper Rolls - A Heartfelt Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

Hi @monivis

This recipe is great, elegant, beautiful, delicious. You have given a nice introduction, and you have made an extremely complete step by step, a complete tutorial, so many of our readers will surely make this recipe. We congratulate you on the quality of the content.

However, we will make a recommendation for future posts, and that is that even when people have given you, their consent, in the case of the photos at the beginning, we see several children, who are minors, that being the case, avoid posting photos of them, as children or adolescents. Thank you.

@sagarkothari88 vote 20%


Hey @monivis! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @sirenahippie
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Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! 🙏 I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the recipe and found the step-by-step guide helpful. Your recommendation regarding posting photos of minors is duly noted, and I appreciate your consideration. I will certainly keep this in mind for future posts. Thank you again for your support and valuable input!