A delicious recipe for cooking red vegetable Stir fried by collecting greens from their own red vegetable land.

A few days ago I showed you our lalshak plot at our village house. Also told you when we collected lalshak for the first time this season.HereToday I am cooking vegetables from our red vegetable garden. I feel the joy of actually eating the produce of my own land. To be honest, I really like red vegetables. I love to cook and eat a variety of red vegetable dishes. We all know that vegetables provide nutrients to our body. It is also a good source of vitamin A. Among all vegetables, red vegetables are very important for the body of young children. Among all vegetables, this red vegetable is loved by children as well as people of all ages. I also like this vegetable stir-fry. Today I cooked red vegetables. I want to share this recipe with you. I hope you will like my recipe. I am in a village house so I am doing all the cooking work in clay oven. All cooking tastes double in clay oven.

So let's start the recipe for cooking red vegetables:

First I cut the red vegetables and washed them in clean water
I took salt, black cumin-fenugreek, two bay leaves in a dish
In a bowl, chop three onions, one garlic clove and 8-10 green chillies
Take the red vegetables in a bowl and put salt in it
I have chopped green chillies with them
Also added some chopped onion
Then I mixed them well and put them in the oven
I boiled the vegetables well
Place the pan in the oven and add the remaining onion and garlic cloves in the soybean oil. Along with bay leaves and black cumin seeds
I fried them till brown
Then I poured the boiled vegetables into it
Stir fried them well in oil
This is how my favorite and delicious red vegetable bhaji was made
Friends, I have eaten rice to my stomach with this red vegetable fry today. Honestly, for the first time this season, it feels good to pick and roast red cabbage from our own land. Friends you will surely like my red vegetable bhaji recipe. You will also try to cook and eat red cabbage like this at home. Of course you will like it too. If you have any opinion on this matter let me know and support me to move forward here.

Many thanks to all of you for stopping by to visit my blog

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