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RE: Not so tasty | Restaurante Gran Hong Kong | #FoodieMood | Esp-Eng

Wow, I have never seen sweet and sour chicken with that little sauce! I too am used to it being bathed in sauce! That's a shame that the food wasn't very good. I lived in China for 1 year and ate lots of great food when I was there (some not so good food too) :)


Dude I had never seen a sweet and sour chicken with so little sauce either, I didn't get it, it was disappointing when I checked it out at home, but hey I know where not to go to eat again LOL.

You were in China! How cool, you've traveled to many parts of the world, and you're missing Venezuela hahaha, cheers and thanks for commenting :)

Haha yes I wouldn't want to go back either! Lol!

Yes I was there for work for a bit :) I am missing Venezuela, it is on my list! Would love tom visit one day!:)