Buns And Chips For Breakfast.

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago (edited)

Buns And Chips

“Buns” is one snack I used to dislike very much because of its oil content. The buns I used to see in shops looked like they were immersed in oil without filtering. Naturally, my body couldn't accept so much oil and so I decided to avoid taking buns.


Edited on canva

Fast forward to 2023, I met a lady on campus whose buns tasted so good and it wasn't oily. And just like that, my liking for buns was reenacted. Today, I would be showing you how to make buns and chips for breakfast as it is an amazing way to start your day.



Ingredients Used.

  • Flour
  • Margarine
  • Baking powder
  • An egg
  • Nutmeg
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar
  • Milk extract (optional)
  • Vegetable oil



The first thing I did was to sieve my flour. This is a very important step to prevent unwanted particles.


After sieving the flour into a bowl, I gathered the rest of the dry ingredients I would use. I like to mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl from the wet ingredients.


I grated some nutmeg into the bowl with flour


Then I added some baking powder to the bowl.


After the baking powder, I added the milk extract which is very optional.


The next thing I added was sugar. I didn't want the buns to taste too sugary so I added about three tablespoons of sugar only.


Then, I added a pinch of salt to taste.


Finally, I added a little margarine and proceeded to mix everything up. The thought of adding the margarine to the wet ingredients crossed my mind but mixing it up with the dry ingredients was better.


This is what it looked like after mixing all the ingredients properly.

I placed the bowl with dry ingredients aside and began to mix my wet ingredients.


First of all, I cracked an egg into a clean plate..


Then I added some water to the egg and whisked thoroughly.


This is what it looked like after whisking thoroughly.

The last step was to turn the whisked egg into the bowl containing the dry ingredients and mix to get a viscous consistency. The viscous consistency is similar to that of honey and this is to ensure that the buns do not turn out to be very hard and chewy.

After mixing everything together, I placed my frying pan on fire and added enough vegetable oil for deep frying.


Once the oil was sizzling hot, I scooped in my batter. At this point, you can choose what shape you want your buns to be.

I fried until golden brown which took just a few minutes.

After frying for a few minutes, I scooped out the buns, placed some old absorbent paper over my filter and then placed the buns on the absorbent paper. This is to ensure that enough oil is drained out from the buns.


The next thing I did was to peel my potatoes, slice them into preferred sizes, add some pepper and salt and then fry them.


This brought me to the end of the process. The final step was the plating. I included an almond nut infused chocolate triangle and everything was washed down with a glass of homemade zobo drink.


This was a really satisfying breakfast and the combination of buns and Irish potatoes tastes so divine. I loved every piece of the meal and I hope you do too if you decide to try this recipe out.


All images used belong to me and were taken with my mobile device except stated otherwise. This article was inspired by the April inleo monthly calendar which you can find here. You are invited to join in the fun:)


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I hate to eat buns and see lots of oil in it. it irritates me and makes me vomit. I can remember the first time I tried frying puff puff, I did rubbish that I ended up throwing it away 😅 I tried again after months and it came out nice even though I kept feeling too much oil on my hands and was just irritating to me, I ate it and wasn´t like the first time. Practising something makes us perfect in it.

I am yet to try puff puff because I know that the oil will be a lotttt😂. However, practice does make us perfect.

Yes, it does. Puff puff isn't hard though but one makes mistakes on their first trial.

I will certainly try it out once I get yeast.

Your breakfast dish looks really yummy and it's really easy to make. I love Snacks so I can totally eat this with a very chilled drink.


that it right. it was truly yummy

Really there are too much oil in buns but then it's a very delicious snack, hehe
This your buns resemble something in my head but I will not talk, hehe
Nice stuff

Please what does it resemble 😂😂😂

I still hate buns cause of the oil😂😂😂
Although I hate a lot of Nigerian popular snacks😂😂
I'm a very picky eater😂😂

You should try oven baked buns with chips and your story may be different 😗😀

All national dishes usually have many titles. But we are delicious food. I can eat once a week. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing cooking skills.

Thank you for stopping by

you are welcome

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Ahhhh DIY Queen has decided to spread her tentacles ooooooo

We are in for a long ride🥳🥳🥳

This looks really nice Wongi, good job!❤️

Yes yes yes!!!She has spread the tentacles 😂

Thank you so much Ib

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