Snowpea protecting the coffee and August HPUD Guessing Contest

in Hive Power11 months ago

July was even a quieter month for me on Hive but a busy month in real life. I made three posts, but still curated every day even though I didn't engage as much as I would have liked to. With a decent size stake, that alone helps me to earn some nice curation rewards even if I don't post much. That's why it's a good idea to keep on growing your stake instead of taking a short term view and withdraw all the time. Hence I support the HPUD every month, and hope you will as well.

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This month's HPUD Guessing Contest is from my new home. One of my favourite place in my kitchen is my breakfast bar. I've set up a little beverage corner here and it includes a new coffee machine I bought a few months. I also put up a shelf for the coffee and tea. Snowpea and Mary said they will sit on the shelf to protect people in case they bang their heads against it when reaching for the drinks! Aren't they little angels 😃.

Personally, I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I do like to have a coffee machine for when friends and family come around, and quite a few have commented on how nice the coffee is. Together, we've gone through quite a lot. This month's HPUD Guessing Contest is

How many coffee pods are there here? ⬇️ ⬇️

I keep all my pods on this paper egg tray to dry out before I recycle them, and the tray is about to get full. The tray holds 12 eggs and obviously, I have a lot more than 12 pods here. Just to be clear, I only have one tray of pods, they look different in the two images because I have been counting them quite a few times. I think
there is something between 50 to 70 pods 🤐☕

The prize pool is 20 HBD and will go to the person who guessed the correct or nearest answer. If there is more than one person who guessed correctly or the nearest answer, you will share the prize pool. And if you HPUD at least 10 HP today, I will double your prize as a bonus. As usual, I will upvote your entry and the % will be based on your level of engagement as the whole reason I started this HPUD Guessing Contest was to drive up quality engagement on Hive. Good luck everyone!!

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Ok this one seems to be more difficult than the last one. My wild guess would be 53 :)

Happy HPUD everyone and thanks for hosting this fun challenge Pauline!

@tipu curate

Yes, this is a bit of a wild guess, to be honest!!!! 😄

I am thinking I shall give my answer in SI units not metric. OH Hang on they are all the same for a change, kets go for....


ha ha!!! Gotcha this month 😜

well and truly !!!😩

You always making Hive Power Up days even funner! Thank you! ❤

It's the least I can do to try get more people involved 😊 Thanks for dropping by!

Hello @livinguktaiwan !

I love the lines of your new kitchen! For me, even at my home, it is my favorite house division. Not only because it is the one that I mostly spend my time, were I'm at home, but also, because when I have visits (that unfortunately it's quiet rare), I love to talk around the kitchen table... Food and friendship are two things that I love so much in live! Ahahah

By the way your kitchen looks that gets a lot of natural light!!! Congratulations on your new place!

My guess for your HPUD contest is 53!

By the way... the coffee from L'Or beside the Nespresso original it is one of my favorites! Ahahaha

This month I haven't be very active in the community... Let's see if I get some time to make a better August here :)

I find we're spending a lot more time in the kitchen now as I got a large dining table which is behind this breakfast area, so when I have friends and family around, we tend to hang around here instead of the living room. Not to mention the food and drink are here as well!!!

Oh it was so hard trying to count all of them haha. I'm not sure but I counted 54 and since I might have missed 2 I say 56. I hope the answer is 56 :P

We shall know very soon. Good luck!

Personally, I'm not a big coffee drinker

Instead, I am a big big coffee drinker :)

Thanks for this fun-coffee contest
I'll try 57

Have a great day and happy HPUD!

So it's you who's drinking up all the coffee 😄

Good luck with your entry!

You're one of my inspiration that give me a good example on growing my account. Since I joined I haven't tried to power down(hopefully no heavy reason to do it). I am trying to grow my account even a little as long as it is growing. Thanks for the encouragement.

Congrats for growing your account again on this HPUD.

About the guessing game, oh its so difficult hehehe. I tried to count it not just once but four times hehehe but it seems my eyes can't find them all.

Based only on what I can see, I will guess 51. Thanks for always making Hpud fun and exciting.

You're doing great @jenthoughts since you joined Hive, and I'm sure you will not regret your decision in the long run. You're making a very smart move!

Thanks for your advices, sometimes I don't know what to do but looking to people like you taught me something.

🤣 ayyyy... complicated, at least you gave a clue.

51 🤓

The 51 symbolizes sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. The angel number 51 indeed expresses the need to delight in new things.... among other things that you can read here 😇

It means that it is related to coffee and my desire to drink it and have a coffee maker like that hahahahaha.

Greetings to Snowpea and Mary :) - Of course we did the HPUD/

I just google translated that article, who would have thought there is so much theory in a number!!

es un número dotado de gran fuerza. Nada parece poder detenerlo, pero a veces será necesario templarlo.

Will I have won? 👀 I can't wait to know the result.


This is absolutely a fun idea to make Hive Power Up day more special. Hmm, I think, 🤔 there are 63 coffee pods.

Hopefully it will give people a little bit more incentive to take part each month.

Happy HPUD!! What a great way to make HPUD fun with a guessing game. 👏 I'll take a stab 52. It reminds me of doing a mason jar with coins in it which I did a few months back elsewhere.

Hi there @coolmidwestguy, is this your first time here? Welcome! It's always good to see new people joining

I would have needed a massive mason jar for this! So sadly had to settle with a egg tray 😄

Oh this is a thing every month(guessing game)? Then my answer is yes. Haha maybe if you cut them open and dumped the contents they might fit in a mason jar. Than it we be guess the weight. :)

I really love this mindset. I'm also trying to follow the same path, and I believe that in the long run, I will have a much stronger account. I have faith in it. I found the contest to be quite enjoyable, and I would love to be a part of it too.

My Guess: 63

Everyone is welcome to join in here, the more the merrier!

Happy HPUD @LivingUKTaiwan and thanks for this opportunity! After my very accurate counting 😂 of your pods, of course while drinking coffee ☕, I came up with the number 53 on both photos. So my answer is 53.
As a hint, I don't know what brand of coffee machine you use, but you can almost certainly buy stainless steel refillable capsules for your machine online, so you can to put your favorite coffee in. It's cheaper and even greener.

I've seen these refillable capsules around before, and to be honest I think they are much more environmentally friendly. Mine are L'Or capsules but they're Nespresso compatible. Although they say you can recycle them, I honestly have no idea what they do with the capsules. My coffee machine came with a lot of free capsules (great marketing tools to hook you onto their machine) so once I finish them I may look into the alternative option, cost is always a great driver!

It is good to see that you've got a lot of free capsules. I was also wondering what they are doing with all these capsules. Surely they recycle the plastic, maybe they use the coffee for some fertiliser,....who knows...

Happy HPUD 🎉🎉🥳🥳 of course I joined in too again and powered some hive up.
My guess for this month: 50 this is what I count 😉
But let’s see on a while 😎

So cute they protect the people so they don’t bump into the shelf.
Have a wonderful evening Pauline 👋🏻

Thanks so much for dropping by again Jackie, and hope you're having a great weekend!

You are welcome Pauline 👋🏻😊
It’s great so far. Hope you are enjoying yours too.

You have to follow good advice, so I'm trying hard to do power ups all the time and not take anything away.

Coffee has a lot of followers all over the world, in my country they drink a lot of coffee.

I will bet on number 63 Thanks for the contest, cheers @livinguktaiwan 😊

Apparently coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world, after water. Are you a big coffee drinker as well?

Good luck with your entry!

Hi @livinguktaiwan a pleasure to participate in your contest today. I am also recently moved to a new home and I found your riddles very entertaining and de-stressing ☺️👍

Well my guess is that there are. An average of 50 coffee pods.

Are you all settled down in your new home now? It took me ages to unpack my things, mainly because I got so lazy in the end 😊

Never seen coffee pod in real so unable to figure out the exact size of it. But still trying a wild guess of 60

A wild guess is a good guess as anything else. Good luck!

Wewww! I am trying to count them all and it was fun counting over and over which ended with a guess though, hehe. Hmnn, it must have been per dozen, so I am thinking there were five dozens of coffee pods. Hence, my answer is 60.

Happy Hive Power Up Day dear LivingUK!

I actually tried counting them a few times and it's not easy!!

I'm going to go with 50 on the dot. I know I probably won't be the only one, but that is my guess. Good point about continuing to grow your account and not powering down all the time. I know some people rely on it for their income, but the more you build, the more it will pay off in the long run.

I just wish that those who 'rely on it for their income' at least contribute some time and effort back to Hive so it's not all take and no give

I totally agree with you there.

I like the brealfast nook with your guards to protect peoples heads. Your friends must really like the coffee!

Hmmm. That's another tough one. I'm going to guess 63 pods

That keeps the little girls busy! I've had quite a lot of friends and family round this few weeks, so we've gone through a lot of coffee!

You can never have too much coffee on hand. 😁

I actually burn through a significant number of nespresso pods everyday myself 🤣. Looks like there's about 59 pods or so. That's what I'll go with.

Massive coffee drinker!! I'm more of a tea drinker, but tea doesn't have so many cool machines and accessories 😁

Happy HPUD ! I'll go with a guess of 71 - and I can confirm up powered up 10 HIVE today !

Which side of the chicken has more feathers?
The outside.

Credit: reddit
@livinguktaiwan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of hoosie

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

Power up is the way to go!!! And good luck with your guess!

Best regards 🤗 . There may be 58 capsules

Hi @livinguktaiwan. Glad to have made it this month. I'll go with my age on this one - 66. Stay safe and have a great August ahead.

Hello stranger!!! Hope you are doing well. What have you been up to recently?

Hi @livinguktaiwan. Am doing fine but really busy with the house reconstruction (mostly the financing aspect) and taking care of grandson. I barely have time to Hive nowadays but I still try to be interactive with friends, even if for once in a while only. Glad to have made it this month on your Guessing game. Hope you're doing fine too. You're now in Taiwan, right? I hope tensions with the mainland remain just as they are - tensions - and nothing else more serious. Keep safe.

This is really a tricky one but my guess would be 55.

After I set the challenge, I realised it's a little more trickier than expected 🙃

Happy HPUD! Not gonna lie, I checked out that picture like 5 times 😂, and each time I counted, I ended up with a different number on my head, I'm just gonna go ahead and lock in on 54 as my answer. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻!


Yeah, I tried counting them a few times and it's like they can move, it's crazy!!! 😄

Ohhhhhhhhh This is a great one, I love these type of guess how many jelly beans are in the jar type ones, I'll go for 58 pods...

You did well last month, let's see if you an do a back on back this month, good luck!

Thanks a million, I was well chuffed with last month, thanks as always. These are always great fun

Happy Hive power up day. If I should make a guess, I will pick 55

Good luck with your guess!

your stake instead of taking a short term view and withdraw all the time.

I don't ever include powerdown in the list of my Hive activities, I just hit 500HP recently and the feeling is heavenly.

There are 58 coffee pods.

We'll done on hitting 500HP, and I see you even got a big delegation! Make good use of that for curation to help grow your stake!

Yeah I got that just yesterday and I have been overly emotional ever since😰😰

Yay, your kitchen looks so nice and luminous :))

Hmm, let's guess, without trying to count 😂


Count or guess doesn't make much difference I think, so you probably saved your eyesight 😎🤓😄

They are 51 in number.

Sounds like you had an awesome month of July, thanks for the tips on being active on hive without necessarily posting so often due to busy schedules.
May August be more awesome🤩💕

Staking your Hive is the best option way to grow in the long run. Many people withdraw all the time, unless
you really need the funds for daily survival, then to be honest a few Hive here and there really doesn't make much difference to your daily life. You're much better growing your account and wait for the pump. Worse case, if that doesn't happen you don't lose anything, but personally I think the upside is much bigger than the downside.

Indeed. Thank you🙏🏽💕

I have decided to take staking as my top priority here in hive. Even without posting consistently, you still earned a descent curation reward. That's a yummy passive income @livinguktaiwan . I must commend your new home, it's super sweet 😍

I participated in the July HPUD and I plan to remain consistent with the exercise.

For the guessing contest, my number is 58

Happy hpud in arrears, thanks for always hosting this.

Have a fruitful week 👍

It's really good to hear that staking is your top priority on Hive, that's a very smart move and I'm sure you, like everyone else will reap the rewards in future


Maybe 7 people had 7 coffee each.

That's a surprise! I thought you would have gone for 8 x 8 😄

Haha, that result of that looks way off.

Happy Hive power up day to you Dearest @livinguktaiwan. I absolutely love the coffee maker and I think it gives a chic look to the breakfast table.🌺

My wild guess is 63 pods. Do hope that's close enough. Have a great month ahead.🤗

Thanks, that little corner is my favourite place in the kitchen, I find it very relaxing. Good luck with your guess

An egg tray to recycle them looks like a pretty good idea. :) I'll go with 53 pods.

Basically I just grabbed anything that will soak up the residue coffee, turns out the egg tray was perfect for it!

I'm going for 59 pods! Me looooves coffee, and since I got a french press machine, that's what I usually drink in the morning: a nice cup of organic black coffee.

I got a couple of French press, but I use that to brew my Chinese tea 😃

Also a great use for them! ;)

Glad you are already enjoying your new home, and I hope Snowpea is too. It is nice that she has a friend to chat with while watching in the coffee corner, hehe.

My guess 51

Snowpea and little Mary go everywhere hand in hand now, I think they are enjoying sitting quite high up to get a good view of what's going on

How cool is this challenge that has been presented to us, guess the guesser!
If my math doesn't fail me, I reckon there are about 59 capsules.

Greetings @livinguktaiwan

Hi there! Welcome to my HPUD Guessing Contest! It's always nice to see people joining for the first time, and I wish you good luck with your entry

Hi, thanks for the contest and my guess is 45

Good luck with your entry

It's good to have a coffee maker machine in home.

It's my first time that i guess from your post, let's try it and i think there's 59 pods in this egg trey 😀

Happy HPUD

And it looks very cool, that's what attracted me to it 😁

I am not that much lover of coffee but I am also thinking to buy coffee machine.
I think there are 56 pods.

That's great! Which coffee machine do you have in mind?

Alder Espresso machine - I am thinking to buy this one. I loved the golden colour of it.

Happy hpud @livinguktaiwan my answer to this contest is 64.

My answer is 55

My guess is 58
Happy HPUD day.


Good luck with your guess!!!

Thank you ☺️

What a nice hpud game it is. My guess would be 60.😊

Good luck with your entry!

My answer is :68 :)

Good luck with your entry

Reviewed and Approved for an Ecency boost. Keep up the good work!

It's really fun to guess, I think there are 57 pods.

Welcome to my HPUD Guessing Contest, and good luck with your entry

I guess would be 53.

My answer is 59

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