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RE: .

in Deep Dives3 years ago

The whale circlejerk will end when they find some shame, until then, this isn't as bad as it was, imo.

I follow lots of downvote trails, I'm in the abuse mitigation discord servers, too.
Lucy was just very vocal about his viewpoint and his flagger got tired of hearing it.
When lucy's content moves on I expect so too will any flagging.

Anything recorded to the chain is there to stay, even the edits.
Some people don't realize that we are in a post false reality paradigm.
No longer can liars lie with impunity, there is an 'immutable' record of it for all to see.

This is going to cause many game players to be underemployed, likely pushed out, asp.

Too bad, sooo sad.

Now, please name names, privately, if you wish, or stop spreading fud, eh?
This is what got lucy x'd out.

Or don't, I'm nobody's boss.
Wouldn't want to be, either.


I'm good. I appreciate the response with the explanation. Ranting can get old quick, especially with so much good that's happening all around. It can be too easy to get narrowly focused. Thanks again!

Start with the downvotes on this post and quit milking the fake ignorance!

Do what?

The "name accounts that are downvoting" stuff - altleftie, acidyob, aircon - all the usual cunts - you know the big names as well as I do..

And then the thousands of fake gimp accounts they control whose names are meaniningless and fleeting

Or are they all just part of the same giant festering maggot?

Hard to tell, one of the early coders, sneak, I think, said he didn't care about the 1st million accounts, he was worried about the second.
The timing of such a statement led me to believe that several 100k accounts were being created to pad the numbers of new users adopting the platform.
It's hard for me to put anything past a coder looking to get paid for easy work.
Or, anybody really.

Until there is enough inflation to dilute the stake enough to end this issue, attacking is futile, imo.
We would do best to teach the newbs not to vote on posts with more than 5htu on them.
Doing this will sooner spread the rewards to those without much.
If we tell them to power up 1mv's worth, soon there won't be enough to go around, and the price should rise.

sneak is an apt name - i wonder just how many accounts that twat has?

Lots of dead accounts.
I mean, people that set themselves up with 80% of the coins at one point are unlikely to have sold them all, imo.
I keep waiting for one to jump up and dump just to watch the scramble that ensues.
It will be like the early btc miners when they move their coins.

Let's say an investor was testing the water - let's say all his posts were downvoted so he pulled 1/4 million HP out, decided not to do any further investing in Hive, and was biding time to extract a little public retribution :)

If most of his friends had already quit he might take a new interest in other platforms!

But he might not be too pissed off if he made a 6x gain on his Hive investment, after already doing roughly the same on Steemit.

End of an era.

I'd say he's gonna miss the moonshot.
When the newbs to crypto figure out all that they can do with hive, games, blogging, curating content, etc, all with 10sec finality and no transaction fees, there will be a giant sucking sound of folks leaving high fee coins, imo.

i think the moon shot happened years ago when steem hit $8

hive is more like steem in late 2018 - looking really corrupt and not even hiding the scam anymore

it may be going up today, but holding a crypto locked in for 13 weeks when you know full well it's an insider scam is crazy shit

if they had instant power down and no downvoting it would look better, but every investor i know personally has pulled out this year

this post nailed it two months ago and its more obvious now