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RE: Waking the Lions and Understanding their Grief

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Ha! I was looking through my feed (for once) to see if my autovote was working and I see your post. Very nicely written Bugged. Regarding, spiritualism and religion, they are not the same thing. This is another layer of the deceptive programming that many of have to work through and undo. When I started my journey of untangling God from the old, white, bearded guy in the sky, a lot of resistance came up. It's taken me about 2 years to de-program myself from my Catholic childhood (which luckily didn't stick but obviously the imprinting was still done). Through meditation and prayer (which is more or less the same thing) I become clearer on what God is and what God means TO ME, and it's beautiful and continuously expanding. So keep going!


Thanks @choogirl it's good to see you here. I know there is a difference but I am not well informed about either spirituality OR religion. I'm more of a science and logic guy but I know enough about spirituality to know that I don't know enough :)

Would love to see you posting again. Maybe spirituality vs religion is a topic for your next post?