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RE: How to see deleted or edited posts and comments

in Deep Diveslast year

Nope, not a bot. I'm flesh and blood. At least that's what I believe.

No, I'm not a part of the suspicious network. I'm rather a full part of the whole Hive network. Came first through a Mexican connection and joint last year via MissLasVegas. My big bang was last Hivefest. And now getting to now the Hive peeps from Barcelona.
I was once at a HiveMeetUp in Vienna. Had nice chats with Solymi, Christoph and Viki.
That jnmarteau popped up in one of their TG one day, he dumped tons of information (which I still don't understand) and left some time ago the TG.
Now I've been observing the situation, a little. That's how I found your post actually.
About the situation, I still don't get all parts together. It looks stressful though. But it's not my business. I'm observing and am curious what's behind the curtains.

If I can help, I do my best for the good of the commonweal.

Have I passed, sherif? 😅

Lovely greetings and take care 😎🤙🏽


very good to read this, thank you :)

I'm no sheriff and I do not like cleaning other's shit up
still it has to be done sometimes - especially to prevent greater damage