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RE: Hive5 - IDEAS for Public, Witness & Dev consideration v1.3

in Deep Dives8 months ago

I really can't emphasize enough how important 2B - Point 1, #3 is. If you truly want to know what your engagement is like, the power of the UV or DV should be based on active participants only. It's not that we shouldn't be allowed to delegate our HP, but, putting time parameters on it will help cut down bots, and exploitative trails that DV into oblivion and dis-incentivize people from speaking freely and openly.

Section 3: I told you, my friend doesn't post on Hive BECAUSE he got targeted by a hivewatcher for sharing a meme that was DISAGREED WITH. Freedom of Speech doesn't exist in that sort of environment. It's Rules for THEE, and not for me. Equality between users is how you establish a truly welcoming platform. User Relations 101.

Section 6: the non-human UV trails are not conducive to organic engagement analytics, either. And no one wants to visit 400 different accounts to see if they're even real people.

Section 8 - Point 5 - Voting is vital, and few blockchains have mass participation. This concentrates the power at the top and excludes everyone else from having real power over decision-making power.


100% Agree.