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RE: Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in Prizes

in Deep Dives4 years ago

@logiczombie I also don't like conspiracy theories, I like facts and evidence which usually comes with names, dates and events.

Especially this conspiracy theory that governments aren't corrupt, don't lie and don't start fake epidemics, there is simply no evidence backing up that theory. It's a monkey myth which works on the tamed mind.

In fact all thew evidence tells another story. Time to make these kind of people look stupid.


Governments have a capacity to lie because they are comprised of humans and humans have a capacity to lie.

This doesn't mean that governments always lie about everything.

In-fact, the best CON-ARTIST NEVER LIES.

I think this COVID-19(84) may or may not be a "lie", but it doesn't matter (moot).

(IFF) COVID = highly contagious and highly deadly (THEN) "the government" should close everything except food production and basic utilities and send 1 pound of flour and 1 pound of butter per month to every citizen.

Let them eat frybread.

It's incoherent to believe that people can eat at restaurants without spreading viruses.

Click to watch 4 minutes,

Probably design in a lab and patented, if was natural it couldn't be patened, it's all in clear sight and made complex.

I'm hoping for a option C myself, example, them getting arrested and we fix the world.

Well, the cops, the courts, the prosecutors and everything else is a mere smokescreen designed to protect the RICH from the POOR.



Lol that's easy to say, if they have all the "banana's"

They have never experienced non voluntary starvation", that's the problem, the worlds are too different.

Fighting all the time over an apple or fighting over a luxury decision is totally different thing.

We could remove this fear, by real education and more equality, remove all inaccurate fear and increase the level of understanding, for all.

That's real power. 🤠