
I'm sorry you were dropped on your head as a child but, if you took a moment to read between the lines, think you will realize we are both against elites and their exploitation of people.

Did you ever stop to think using subtlety in humor is a effective redpilling mechanism?

Or do you believe @newworldfreedom has the one true mechanism to awaken the masses? Lol

Poe's Law.

Wait. Was that referring to their comment or my response? Maybe they just trolling. 🤷‍♂️

Poe's Law - Your original comment could very easily be misunderstood.

Ahhh yeah maybe it was more cryptic than intended. If so, my bad @newworldfreedom. ✌️

Maybe it was timing or brain chemicals 🤠

@Smartscheme Nah, I gave up believing after discovering that most common knowledge was FAKE.

It's the age of knowing, maybe I already have wakened the masses up threw global karma which I doubt you understand.