CDC stopped reporting hospitalization capacity data in July, good way hide no link between 'cases' and hospitalizations

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

The CDC collects data on many aspects of health related to the US population. One of them is hospital capacity estimates. This can tell us how full the hospitals are.

The hospital capacity was a key reporting figure in the mainstream media spin on the COVID threat. They said hospitals would be overrun if lockdowns didn't halt the spread of COVID-19 infections. Well, lockdown that shut down businesses didn't really stop the spread. Other countries like Sweden didn't do that, and the they turned out the same as many other countries who did, and better than other who did, like the U, even with their relatively older population.


With the casedemic hysteria that's been pumped up by the news since the summer, hospitalizations should have increased. But they haven't. The cases are not real cases of sickness. Cases normally mean someone who is sick and goes to a hospital to get treated. The media "cases" are simply cases of positive PCR test.

There is no accompanying hospitalization and reduction in hospital capacity, because all these people aren't sick, only few are. They just have a bogus test positive.

The CDC used to report on hospitalization capacity, but then stopped in the summer just when the casedemic hysteria was starting. As they say themselves:

The following downloadable file contains national and state estimates from the NHSN COVID-19 Module. This file will not be updated after July 14, 2020 and includes data from April 1 to July 14.

Boom. You can't know the hospitalization capacity anymore to blow open the scamdemic about the link with "cases" and hospital capacity. Good job on the coverup CDC, hiding the reality of fake crisis. There is no crisis in hospitals and they don't want you to have the data to confirm it.

There aren't increases in deaths to match the bogus case counts. During the height of the actual pandemic, which is over, the field hospitals were not even used in most places, with hundreds of millions spent for nothing.


Keep up the good work !