
No one rational will vote for or support HRC. She's a proven liar, and no one rational will support a liar they know is a liar. That being said, she'll have a lot of support from irrational people.

Human beings have rights wherever they reside, and one of the natural rights we have is to speak our mind. Our shitty governments oppress us to varying degrees in various ways, and one of the most deadly is censorship that prevents us from communicating danger signals to each other.

That's why I'm here, and a hill I am gonna stay on, whatever comes up.


freespeech really does help us navigate danger - also, helps us come to a equilibrium with different beliefs in our society and makes us understand each other - i.e., reduce suffering - of course the sick twisted entities who control this world hate anything that remotely could help navigate to a more peaceful world - they feed on divide and negativity -
