Now is almost May - time waits for nobody

in ecoTrain22 days ago

Now Is Almost May


Can you believe it? A third of the year is gone. Ask yourself this: have you achieved what you set out to achieve in April? More importantly, are you 1/3 of the war towards your 2024 goals? For me, it's hard to say. In some aspects I've completely over-performed, having already achieved my 2024 goals in the first quarter of the year. Other aspects, I haven't even started making any progress at all, and it doesn't seem like I will. In that case, it may be the goals themselves that need tweaking.


Either way one thing is true; time marches on regardless. Time waits for nobody. There's a song about that. That's one thing I learnt a long time ago. If there's something that needs doing, just do it, don't wait. I still procrastinate though - I do that naturally. In fact, I think I have the tendency to want to procrastinate more than others on average, which is why I actively practice doing things NOW even if I don't have to yet.

I was speaking to my brother the other day and we laughed about how old we both are now. We carried on a conversation we had when we were lads. It felt so recent but decades have since passed. Before you know it, we'd both be gone, just like the people that stood on the same ground hundreds of years beforehand.

It got me thinking about the now, and how that's all we have. What I mean is, everyone that has ever existed experienced time in the now. Their own continuous stream of consciousness, however it lasted, was what they had and knew. Their own time and space. In our day and age, at least, we have the privilege of living vicariously through others. We watch videos of people on holiday in distant lands. We video call to people on different parts of the planet in (near)real time. That wasn't possible for 99.99% of human existence. As far as I know that is. Who knows, maybe the ancient Egyptians, or some lost civilisation before hand, invented video calling but the tech got lost due to, well, whatever.

We may never know.. or we may one day dig down far enough to unearth something that gives us a clue. Perhaps somewhere under all that sand in the African Sahara, or the cold wilderness of Siberia. We may never know. What we do know, though, is the now and we best make the most of it.

Peace & Love,



Every year quarter is usually a way for me to reflect on the things I’ve done for the past three months and also to know the way forward in my life

It is a fact that time as it is has never stood still for anyone and time is passing very fast this time.