Would you like to help and work with the ecoTrain Community!?

in ecoTrain3 years ago


Hello everyone! This post a long time coming, and not the first time i have written one like this. Many of you here on Hive will have heard of the ecoTrain community, and maybe you have posted and are a part of the weekly Question Of The Week? The ecoTrain account supports people who post on a wide range of topics that mostly relate to Sustainable Living, Eco Building, Community Living, Holistic Principles, Natural Medicine, Permaculture, Food, Health, and Esoteric Topics. I initiated ecoTrain around 5 years ago now with a very special group of people who either posted or voted. We had an exclusive band of passengers who were all very talented and great writers, and lucky enough to have our up votes aimed at them exclusively! Things have changed a lot since then, and exclusivity ended a long time ago! Since the very start of this project and community i have tried to get help with some of the many things that community leaders do, but i have always been very unsuccessful in getting the help I and this community needs. In fact, except for one or two occasions, i have managed, curated, posted, and held this entire community together all by myself! I think there has been quite a few misconceptions that there is a large group behind me helping me, but sadly that is not the case. Today i will again try to change that!

Let me start by saying that the reason i have continued to keep this community alive is because i have enormous passion for the topics i support, as well as the whole concept of the Hive blockchain and what it stands for. I have spent most of my adult life working on eco building and sustainability in general, and have given up most of my time and money to support it, lead and subsidise workshops around India, and do whatever i can to help others learn more about it. I discovered that writing was also an amazing outlet and way to reach others through blogging. Before Hive, and Steem i never wrote or read much either. As time went by i got used to writing, which for me begun with writing about Earthship Biotecture and EcoBuilding as they were my main interests. I discovered that I loved writing, it was a form of expression and also learning as well as way to share things that i felt were important.


The Question Of The Week (QOTW) was once of the first initiatives that i started, and it has always been a source of great joy to read and write for it. It has been SO inspiring to see how these questions bring the community together in a beautiful way as we all focus on the same issues but from our own perspective and cultures. In fact, the QOTW is so popular today that it has become too hard for me to even post much of the time as i spend a lot of my time reading and curating all the amazing posts that come in. If you have been a part of it I think you will know what i mean! So if there is one aspect of this community that i think needs some help it is the QOTW! The kind of help i am looking for with this is really commenting and helping curate it. Thankfully i don’t have to deal much at all with things like plagiarism etc. as the questions are so specific and unique that its very hard to copy stuff from the internet. SO, if you are interested in supporting this initiative, ESPECIALLY with commenting then please do get in touch in the comments below!


Of course the ecoTrain community is pretty busy with many other posts, and we do receive quite a lot of posts relating to homesteading, and all the sub topics relating to that. Homesteading, Eco Building, and Off-grid sustainable living and community are very important topics and that is why there is a Sustainable Curation that I do once a week to bring together all of those posts for people to see and to inspire others who are already on this path, or considering making changes to their lives. I am also looking for help with making this curation post, as well as commenting and helping to curate it.


I have been talking with acidyo and it looks like the community incubation project will happen again with the ecoTrain community. This means that we may well have the support of their up-votes along with ours to further boost the support we can give to people who post great content. So everyone who is helping the ecoTrain community will be a part of this process and can help to find those extra special posts that will then be rewarded with much bigger up-votes. This is a slightly more challenging job as we have to be much more sure that the people who receive this extra special votes are really genuine e.g not plagiarized.


Then finally there are the rest of the posts that are generally related to one of the main topics that we support, and i would also like to get some help curating, commenting and voting on them. We have a LOT of new people on Hive who come to the ecoTrain community and i do my very best to encourage them to post, and support them with comments. Sadly my commenting has been reducing lately as the volume of posts is so high that i simply cannot keep up!


SO, if you are interested in helping the ecoTrain community to grow and bring more people together from all walks of life please let me know in the comments. Please let me know what kind of help you are interested in doing, and approximately how many hours a week you would be able to set aside. My main requirement is that you speak and write English well enough to read and understand posts, and of course can write comments in English. Even though there are people from many countries, English is the common language that we all share and that is the language i use to comment with.


In terms of rewards or compensation, I have to really think and decide exactly how I can best share the abundance that the ecoTrain account receives from up-votes and curation. I’m not yet sure of exactly how i will reward those of you who will be helping, and I think that will depend to quite some extent what kind of help is being offered and if there is real passion and commitment. What i REALLY want to avoid is people who are just helping to get some more rewards and HP without their hearts in it.. Primarily it's about the cause and then the abundance can follow! With that said you will be rewarded in the normal ways such as beneficiaries on ecoTrain posts, and perhaps we can even make more posts as i only do three a week due to my time constraints.

So, this is not the first time i have put a call out for help but i am hoping it receives more interest than it has in the past. I think the community is amazing and it has grown so much lately with real genuine people who have so much to share and give. I really look forward now to taking this to the next level and perhaps finally being able to let go a bit of the reins so that others can contribute and shape it into something even more special.

Please comment below if you have any interest in this and I will get back to you very soon!

THANK YOU!!!! <3

 3 years ago  

It'll be a pleasure to be part of the @ecotrain community, you've put in great work over the years and I must confess I'm wowed by your consistency and dedication.

If given the opportunity, I hope to work towards things that will aids the growth of the community in terms of interaction, Engagement and reward.
And I can dedicate at least 4hours daily for that.

Thanks for all you do per time @eco-alex , have a pleasant day.

 3 years ago  

thank you for that acknowledgement and the offer to help so much! that is really appreciated.. i will be in touch soon to bring us together..

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

Alright I'll do just that immediately.

This is really nice sir, I must say this is the best thing I have read or seen today. For quite some time now I have been on this wonderful platform, I have been trying quite hard to look for a community where I can settle down, make good posts that will help me grow, as well as those reading it alongside with the best interest of this wonderful community at heart.

I must say this a prayer answered, I will love to be part of something working out sir, I will love to be on your team sir, I did like to be of help to both the newbies and others who need it.

I will be able to work for 2-3 hours here, depending on when called upon. With this, if I am chosen I can finally say I have that one community where I can settle down to make an impact as do the community to me.

I will be really glad if I am been considered sir.

 3 years ago  

happy to hear this gideon! thank u!

Thanks for the reply sir.
I am looking forward to your selection sir.
I wish to be part of your team.
Thanks in anticipation sir.

 3 years ago  

Hello, @eco-alex! I am interested in rendering some help. I can spare about 4-5 hours per day for this purpose, if that will be alright. Thank you.

 3 years ago  

hi esther! wow that is a LOT of time! much more than is necessary.. thank you very much for this offer! I will get back to you and to everyone soon and we will make a nice cozy team! much love

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

Alright. I will hop in now. Thank you

@eco-alex we love what's going on in #ecotrain community and I'll be part of what you're requesting. To be honest with you, ecotrain is one of the best community on hive, this is because we support everybody's post. I'm in for this you can count on me. Just let me know what to do next and I'll be there for you.

 3 years ago  

hey! thanks for the fantastic comment! very happy to hear you will support us and help.. i will be in touch SOON! x

You're welcome, I'm available and waiting for your call.

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

I'll do that as soon as possible. Thanks for choosing me to work to help the community grow.

 3 years ago  

I would love to support you because you’re trying so hard (and you’ve given up smoking). Go and take a look at my writing to see if you think I’d be a good fit (for some reason, however, I’ve had a rather poor week. Haha ❤️💕🤗). I could write posts and actively comment on member’s posts. I’ve just agreed to screen posts for DreemPort but I don’t think it’s going to take too much of my time. Realistically, I could offer you an hour or two daily. I’m not interested in rewards other than those that would accrue from participation (curation and posting rewards) (I already have mega support from DreemPort by way of HP delegations). I think your topic is close to my heart and I’d like to have your permission to ask Deemy to consider a partnership with your community over the next few weeks; it’s a “thing” she’s been doing with a number of communities on Hive over the past few months?
PS: I’m pretty new to Hive and don’t have a high voting power, so I don’t know if I would be useful to you (5 months and I only have Minnow status)

 3 years ago  

ok! thank you for that offer.. VERY nice.. and even one hour a day is a LOT really when theres a few of us.. so YEs ill get back to you soon.. and for sure happy to do some collaborations with Deemy.. ui have to check out what s/he is doing....

will get in touch with you in a few days once i have figured it all out! much love and happy to hear from you

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

Okay, cool!

I know how much work goes into curating! It's energy-demanding. Reading and digesting such great variety of quality information that's shared on EcoTrain is no easy task. I'd offer my help if I had more knowledge in the topics most people post about. Let's see how the selection goes.

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

Sure do. Just joined.

 3 years ago  

thanks for the comment.. no worries and yes lets see how the selection goes indeed!

 3 years ago (edited) 

@eco-alex You can count me in, in case you feel I fit into the groove. I am online at least 10-12 hours (+5.30GMT) so there. Thank you!

 3 years ago  

hey! thank you !!! ill let you know more very soon!

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

Thank you

 3 years ago  

I will really like to be part of this but don't know what kind of help I can render to assist

 3 years ago  

ok thank you! do you have time? do you read posts and like to comment?

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yes I have time and can both read and comment on posts

 3 years ago  

ok well thank you for offering! i will get back to you soon i just will let this post run for some days.., <3

 3 years ago  

Alright that will be nice

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

On my way straight away

Good luck finding someone... It a huge job I know! For the right person it'll be really rewarding too. With I could help but already spread thin as you know. Xx

 3 years ago  

thank you! yes lets hope one or two perfect people show up.. i think nainaztengra has already on a different post so thats a great start!

and yes i know have rather enough on your plate! but thanks for commenting <3

I would love to help buddy! But I am not sure how much time I can delegate to Ecotrain :/
Started the new job Monday, so I have a lot to learn and is working overtime now and then x)

 3 years ago  

nice thank you! maybe give me a rough idea just so i can get a vibe.. congrats on the new job! hope its fun

Well. It properly would be more than 1 hour a week, because I don't know about how the job will turn out xD

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

It will be great to be part of this Community development. I'm in to make this Community a greater place

Hello friend @eco-alex I would like to support the community. I am at your disposal. It's just a matter of getting organized and agreeing. Namaste

 3 years ago  

great! good to know.. i will wait a few day and then lets take it from there x

Very well any information let me know. Regards

I wish to help even though I have never done that before but I wouldn't mind you assigning me to any task and teaching me how to do it if that is all I need to do.

I sincerely will love to be of help to the community.

 3 years ago  

thank you! i appreciate your willingness to help! x

It's no problem, I wouldn't mind.

I've recently arrived in the hive and I think it will be almost a month or two.I do not speak English well. I use Google translate to write posts and comments.What should I post on ecotrain? I am a Myanmar citizen and I would like to know if I can post about the people, culture and traditions of the country.

 3 years ago (edited) 

hi, thanks for your question.. Google translate does very well i think, and more than good enough to read and understand ..

please do post to the community and we will see if its a good fit or not.. if there is any issue with relevance we will of course let you know nicely..

Thank you for your understanding

Being part of ecotrain would be fun and i guess this Time, i would be officially in🥰

What am i to do, i am in to support ✌️

 3 years ago  

thank you! i will explain once i have chosen the helpers and made a team .. cheers!

Yes, this is a quality call to action, a way to focus our purpose. Especially for those who may find themselves, now and again, floating sort of aimlessly, sans direction.

I can contribute an hour a day a few days/wk, in the interim. Done loads of writing (on a range of topics, if anyone is interested in a collab, I'll be seeking partners, co-authors, editors, etc to crank out and publish much of it) but never curation.

Seems like an awesome group and worthy cause. And for relative n00bs like myself, here we have a golden opportunity to highlight our reliability and upstanding character! Love the passion, dedication and subject matter. Much gratitude, @eco-alex.

I would love to help, but the internet in my residential area is pathetic, I can barely make one or two posts a week and with a lot of sacrifice and loss of valuable time.
A big hug and lots of love to you @eco-alex.

 3 years ago  

awe your so sweet.. i know,,i remember.. how hard you work just to post!
One day i will have to send you a starlink receiver.. ELons system looks good :)



 3 years ago  

Hi @ecotrain I know this request has been put forward a long time ago too which I did commented and volunteered myself to help the community. As you know, hive has a lot of communities which I find it hard to choose a specific one I can give more time too and as you know when one is being delegated a task to do, he or she would be willing to be committed and give time to it.

Therefore, it would be my honor to help this community with my time which I can spare 2-3 hours or more depending on how it is but at most 3hours. I love engaging and interacting and I would be glad if my request is considered. Thank you!

 3 years ago  

Thats great! so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can help us with. Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commening is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

 3 years ago  

Yea, I do have a discord account. I will join right away.

Am really interested to help them.

Hi @Eco-Alex, I am willing to render some help. I can spare 2-3 hours daily to assist in the ecoTrain projects and initiatives being promoted by you.
I've been a respectful observer of the activities on ecoTrain and I hope to be able to contribute my quota to its growth and development within and beyond the Blockchain.

Hello @eco-alex , i appreciate the work you have been doing in this community, it's not a easy one at all. Kudos to you
That being said i would love to help with commenting and upvoting post if given the opportunity to work with you.
I can spare atleast 2-3 hours of my time a day to do so.
Thank you

Saludos eco, me ofrezco en ayudar con los artículos en español, para que haya un crecimiento también de la comunidad hispana. Somos una sola tierra. Un abrazo virtual.

Hello @eco-alex, All the topics you touch on are of my interest. I will try to support the community with my participation and comments. I cannot commit to dedicating a certain time, because my Internet connection is poor and sometimes very poor, on the other hand, my knowledge of English is very poor, I am writing to you with the help of the Google translator.
I'll look at this week's QOTW call to contribute a post.
I am an artisan, recycler, fan of compost and herbal medicine.
Health, peace and success.

It has been a very beautiful experience joining the @ecoTrain community. I have read beautiful post here and it has been soul lifting. My first post here was beautifully accepted and i loved the love i got here.
@eco-alex I am looking forward to channeling alot of work hour here

Hello sir.
I'm interested in helping out in the area which need the most help.

I work from home, both day and night and my work is hive.

Sparing some time to assiting the community would be a pleasure for me as I would in a way be impacting positively by being useful in other areas apart from updating my blog.
.so yeah, I'm interested.
I can spare 6-8 hours

 3 years ago  

hey! Thanks for offering your help and to becoming a part of the community!!!!
Please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..


see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)

Yes, I have a discord account.
I will join you there soon.

I will love to help in anyway I can

 3 years ago  

ok.. thank you.. i like how you comment! please do come to our discord group

I have joined

 3 years ago  

This is a great improvement as I can see. To have the ocd support but if you don't mind I want to discuss somethings with you on discord @eco-alex

wao, such amazing opportunity to help this community to grow, i will be so happy to be part of this community to commenting or curating.
i can dedicate 4 hours because i stay more than 10 hours everyday online

I wish I can be of help because I just like @ecotrain since I discovered it a little more than a month. I can devout one hour for now if I'm appointed. Thanks.

Well outlined @eco-alex. I duly understand the ethics and level of expectations you might require. I'm interested and willing to be part of the team. I can dedicated 2-3hours of my time from my daily schedule for this task if given the room.

 3 years ago  

i chat with you on discord.. thanks!@