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RE: One Of the Hardest Things For Spiritual People To Do Is Attract Money

in ecoTrain2 months ago

I still chuckle when people think that digital currency is going to make any difference at all in how the world operates. Probably just the opposite is going to happen, it'll be better for the corporations and bankers and worse for the population. There is no constitutional right, per se, that people are entitled to basic standards such as electricity or gas to survive. In the future it's wholly possible you'll be notified signing up that if your bill isn't paid within a certain time frame of receiving your bill you digital account will be automatically debited for the amount. Because of the mining involved in digital currency it isn't any cheaper than producing paper money, someone's going to pay for that just like people pay banks fees for services. If there is no rules and regs put in place to safeguard people from companies or stopping banks from letting corporations debit your account without a court order, it'll only be worse. You'll no longer be able to let one bill slide so you can get the car fixed. None of that even gets around to how easy it will be, without safe guards in place, for them to just shut down your account. This isn't going to be any miracle that benefits anyone, it never ends up that way.


That is what the banksters want. A CBDC.
And you will be the lowest person on the totem pole for "YOUR" money.

However, bitcoin is close to solid money.
Because you can't just print more of it. (you have to mine it, and that is a small %)

Just turning money from a bill into savings is a HUGE change.
It makes the law of attraction work how most people expect, instead of attracting the opposite because of word games.

And we will have water and electricity created by each community.