Does Food Affect The Lifespan?

in ecoTrain9 months ago

So recently I have come across so many old people and there's always this common disease amongst them. It's either high blood pressure, hypertension, arthritis, or Diabetes, the most rampant one.

I noticed that a large amount of older people suffer from Diabetes, and due to this, a different type of food is being prescribed for them till they eventually give up. For more than six months, I have been preparing a meal plan for an elderly person, strictly fruits and vegetable smoothies and no carbs and sugar, no salt, pepper, and seasoning cubes and I must tell you it doesn't taste but for the sake of his health, he has to stick with it.



This dieting could be exhausting and even the patient might feel so frustrated that it doesn't always last either. But then I noticed something, my grandmother has stayed in the village all her life, she only comes to visit us here for a few weeks then she goes. She is approaching her 70s yet doesn't have any of this sickness, she is still strong and agile doing her farm work every day.

I noticed that while staying there in the village, she eats only natural food, homemade food. Her vegetables are planted and pruned by her, she gets fresh fish from the waterside because it's close to her house.
All her food, fruits, and herbs are processed and made from home. This has also increased her lifespan and cleansed her from all those illnesses.
A friend of mine asked if Food can affect life span and I would love to answer the question in the article below.

What is food?

Food can be said to be any substance eaten or drunk into the body consisting of nutrients for healthy growth and body maintenance. For a layman, I would say food is anything taken into the body. Foods consist of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, etc.



Since food is essential for human health and growth and also for pleasure and satisfaction, not all foods are good. Food should be taken in decent and modest quantities to avoid the risks of developing those diseases. Poor diet decreases life span, the earlier you do the better for you because you could make changes and start eating a healthy and proper diet.

Poor diet exposes you to the risk of gaining unhealthy weight, higher cholesterol levels, abnormal sugar levels, blood levels, etc. All these sum up to a damaged cardiovascular health, increasing your likelihood of developing stroke, heart attack, hypertension, etc.

According to my study, these elderly I have encountered, some are gone now🕊 were not eating healthy during their youthful age. They consumed a lot of alcohol, red meat, junk and carbs, sugar, salt, and lastly smoked. These guilty pleasures over the years were not consumed in appropriate proportion and over the years they built up to become a terror to them in old age. Well most of them were ignorant about these things which is quite important for awareness that food and eating habits should be made to people around the world.



Processed and packaged foods are not also healthy for consumption because of the chemicals applied in them for preservation. These drinks and food substances are no longer fresh, some may stay for a year after the manufacturing date, and trust me all the nutritional value of that food has been killed by the chemical, and what you then consume is highly risky.

Our health can blossom if we eat right and keep off all unhealthy habits and of course when there is flourishing health our life span increases. To achieve this, let's look at the following dos and don'ts we should keep at our fingertips.

  • Increase intake of fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables, whole grains, etc.

  • Modest and lesser intake of salt and sugar

  • Increase intake of water

  • Less or carbs and junk, fatty food, and dangerous calories

  • Avoid overeating

  • Sleep more

  • Exercise more to burn fat and keep fit.

Eating right should be over-emphasized even in all these luxury restaurants.


These days I am pondering a lot on the downside of synthetic food. The freatest poison of all, synthetic sugar, has become the necessary part of our everyday life. Theough various sources, ot makes its way into our body. The effects are observed in the long run.

The present day civilization has provided us ease of ready to eat or ready to cook food. However, the hazard is much more than the benefit. Processed and preserved food utilize chemicals that not only kill the nutritional properties but also add harms to it.

Living in cities it is not possible to adopt a lifestyle as that of villages. Nonetheless, we should avoid the processed and synthetic food as much as we can.

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Thanks @amberkashif
I appreciate this effort