Update About Earthquake 08/02/2023 | Grateful for Every Help - Deprem Hakkında Gelişmeler 08/02/2023 | Her Yardım İçin Minnettarım

in Hive TRlast year (edited)





Hello everyone, I continue to share updates about the earthquake. Thank you very much for all the support. We have seen the power of Hive to support such a natural disaster. I would like to thank everyone for every support. I don't plan my posts, so if there is a quick transition from one topic to another, that's why. Here are the updates about the earthquake from yesterday to today that I am aware of:

  1. After I shared my post yesterday, a State of Emergency was declared in 10 cities in the earthquake zone. According to the President's announcement on TV, a state of emergency will be in effect for 3 months in the 10 cities affected by the earthquake. You can read the details of the announcement here.source

  2. Unfortunately, the number of injured and dead continues to rise. While I was writing this post, the numbers were updated and now the number of deaths has risen to 9057 and the number of injured to 52979. The number of destroyed buildings is 6444. These are the official numbers and unfortunately these numbers will continue to increase every hour. According to my friends, many parts of Hatay have been severely affected by the earthquake and there is not a single house in the entire city that is habitable. Source for the number of dead and injured

  3. People are still being rescued alive from the rubble of the earthquake. I saw a lot of rescue news on TV today.

  4. In Hatay, rescue operations have increased and people are being rescued from the rubble. There are still rubble in Hatay where no aid has reached. There is also a fire at Iskenderun Port in Hatay, which is still not extinguished. I haven't seen any news about it on TV for the last 8-9 hours today. When I searched on the internet, the last news posted 11 hours ago says that the fire is still going on. Source

  5. Saving people from an earthquake does not mean that their lives are saved. I have seen and read on social media that many people are having a very hard time in the cold. Temperatures are really low, people cannot enter their homes and hot food, tents etc. are not available to everyone.

  6. Today I saw on TV that international rescue teams are on the field and they are helping to save people's lives in Turkey. I am grateful to all of them for their help. Here are the names of some of the countries that sent aid to help the earthquake. source

  7. I also see that Twitter has been access blocked in our country. I know that many people under the earthquake shared their situation on Twitter, I saw thousands of tweets. I have no idea why Twitter was blocked. This is really a big nonsense and very sad. Maybe fake news is being shared, but I think this can be ignored with so many people sharing their location. Twitter has not been accessible in Turkey for about 5 hours now. source

These are the information I can remember about the current situation. I will try to share an update post every day as much as I can.

My girlfriend @ezgicop said that she was able to reach her home in the message she sent as of now. This is really happy news for me because I don't remember feeling sorry for anyone in my life as much as the people in this earthquake. It is a great blessing that a person I love can reach home safely from the earthquake zone. I would like to thank the people who were worried about her and me, who sent messages and said in the comments that they were praying for our country.

Lastly, I would like to mention that the total reward for the two posts I posted yesterday and the day before exceeded 1000 dollars. Half of it will come to my account as liquid, which is around 500 dollars. Apart from that, you can also see the Hive and HBDs (sent by you) that are currently liquid in my account. All of these will be donated to the Ahbap association. You can see the organization's page here. https://ahbap.org/ After the rewards of my 2nd post come to my account, I will donate them as soon as possible without wasting time. This does not mean that the rewards of this and the next post will not be sent as donations to the earthquake zone. I will continue to send the proceeds of this and all future posts to the earthquake zone. I just want these prizes to be sent to the earthquake zone as soon as possible rather than waiting in my account for a long time. I am sure that as this process drags on, there will be doubts and speculations about the prizes, which is normal. Because right now in our country, there are a lot of people looting the houses that are empty during the earthquake, breaking in and stealing. I am ashamed to call them human beings.

Thank you for all the support sent and I am grateful to the entire Hive platform. I will not forget this favor for the rest of my life. Again, the prizes of this post will be donated to the earthquake region after the prizes of my first two posts are sent. It will only be donated later than them.





Herkese merhaba, deprem hakkında gelişmeleri paylaşmaya devam ediyorum. Yapılan destekler için herkese çok teşekkür ederim. Hive'ın böyle bir doğal afeti destekleme gücünü görmüş olduk. Herkese yaptığı her destek için teşekkür ederim. Postlarımı planlayarak yazmıyorum bu yüzden bir konudan diğerine hızlı bir geçiş olursa bunun sebebi budur. Dünden bugüne deprem hakkında olan ve benim haberdar olduğum güncellemeler bu şekilde:

  1. Dün ben postumu paylaştıktan sonra Deprem bölgesindeki 10 şehirde Olağanüstü Hal ilan edildi. Televizyondan Cumhurbaşkanının yaptığı açıklamaya göre depremin etkilediği 10 ilde 3 ay olağanüstü hal geçerli olacak. Burada açıklamaya dair ayrıntıları okuyabilirsiniz. source

  2. Yaralı ve ölü sayısı maalesef artmaya devam ediyor. Ben bu postu yazarken sayılar güncellendi ve şu an ölü sayısı 9057 yaralı sayısı ise 52979'a yükseldi. Yıkılan bina sayısı ise 6444. Bunlar açıklanan resmi sayılar ve maalesef bunlar her geçen saat artmaya devam edecek. Benim arkadaşlarımdan edindiğim bilgiye göre Hatay'ın birçok bölgesi depremden aşırı etkilendi ve şehrin tamamında yaşanacak tek bir ev bile yok. Ölü ve yaralı sayısına dair kaynak

  3. Hala insanlar depremdeki enkazların altından sağ bir şekilde kurtarılmaya devam ediyor. Bugün televizyonda bir sürü kurtarma haberi gördüm.

  4. Hatay'da kurtarma çalışmaları hızlandı ve insanlar göçük altından kurtarılıyor. Hatay'da hala yardımın hiç ulaşmadığı enkazlar bulunuyor. Aynı zamanda Hatay'da bulunan İskenderun Liman'ında bir yangın var ve bu hala söndürülemedi. Ben bugün yani son 8-9 saattir televizyonda hiç bununla ilgili bir haber görmedim. İnternette aradığımda da en son 11 saat önce paylaşılan haberde yangının devam ettiği yazıyor. Kaynak

  5. Depremden insanların kurtarılması hayatlarının kurtulduğu anlamına gelmiyor. Sosyal medyada birçok insanın soğukta çok zor zamanlar geçirdiğini gördüm ve okudum. Sıcaklıklar gerçekten çok düşük seviyede, insanlar evlerine giremiyor ve sıcak yemek, çadır vs yardımlar herkese ulaşmış durumda değil.

  6. Bugün televizyonlarda uluslararası kurtarma ekiplerinin sahaya indiğini gördüm. Bu ekipler de Türkiye'de insanların hayatlarını kurtarmaya yardım ediyor. Hepsine yardımları için minnettarım. Burada depreme yardım için yardım gönderen bazı ülkelerin isimleri yazıyor. source

  7. Ayrıca ülkemizde Twitter'a bir erişim engeli geldiğini görüyorum. Deprem altındaki birçok insanın durumunu Twitter'dan paylaştığını biliyorum, binlerce tweet gördüm. Twitter'ın neden engellendiğine dair hiçbir fikrim yok. Bu gerçekten büyük bir saçmalık ve çok üzücü. Belki yalan haberler paylaşılıyor olabilir ama bunca insanın yerini paylaşmasının yanında bunun göz ardı edilebileceğini düşünüyorum. Şu an yaklaşık 5 saattir Türkiye'de Twitter'a erişim sağlanamıyor. kaynak

Gündeme dair aklıma gelen bilgiler bunlar. Elimden geldiğince her gün bir güncelleme postu paylaşmaya çalışacağım.

Kız arkadaşım @ezgicop şu an itibariyle attığı mesajda evine ulaşabildiğini söyledi. Bu gerçekten benim için çok mutlu bir haber çünkü ömrümde bu depremdeki insanlar kadar kimse için üzüldüğümü hatırlamıyorum. Sevdiğim bir kişinin deprem bölgesinden evine sağ salim ulaşabilmesi büyük bir nimet. Onu ve beni merak eden, mesajlar atan yorumlarda ülkemiz için dua ettiğini söyleyen insanlara çok teşekkür ederim.

Son olarak şunu da belirtmek istiyorum. Dün ve önceki gün attığım iki postun toplam ödülü 1000 doları aştı. Yarısı benim hesabıma sıvı olarak gelecek ki bu da 500 dolar civarı yapıyor. Bunun dışında hesabımda şu an sıvı olarak bulunan(sizin tarafınızdan gönderilen) Hive ve HBD'leri siz de görebiliyorsunuz. Bunların da hepsi Ahbap derneğine bağışlanacak. Kuruluşun sayfasını burada görebilirsiniz. https://ahbap.org/ 2. postumun ödülleri de hesabıma geldikten sonra zaman kaybetmeden en kısa sürede bağışlayacağım. Bu demek değil ki bu ve bundan sonra paylaşacağım postun ödülleri de deprem bölgesine bağış olarak gönderilmeyecek. Bu ve bundan sonra paylaştığım bütün postların gelirlerini deprem bölgesine göndermeye devam edeceğim. Sadece bu ödüllerin hesabımda uzun süre beklemesindense bir an önce deprem bölgesine gönderilmesini istiyorum. Eminim ki bu süreç uzadıkça ödüllerle ilgili şüpheler ve spekülasyonlar olacaktır ki bu da normaldir. Çünkü şu an ülkemizde, deprem anında boşalan evleri yağmalayan, içeri girip hırsızlık yapan bir sürü insan var. Bunlara insan demeye utanıyorum.

Gönderilen desteklerin hepsi için teşekkür ederim ve tüm Hive platformuna minnettarım. Bu yapılan iyiliği ömrüm boyunca unutmayacağım. Tekrar belirtiyorum bu postun da ödülleri ilk iki postumun ödülleri gönderildikten sonra deprem bölgesine bağışlanacaktır. Sadece onlardan daha sonra bağışlanacaktır.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @stresskiller, @hiveborgminer, @wilsonthe, @liveofdalla, @joydukeson, @caelum1infernum, @amiegeoffrey ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

First of all I apologize to everyone that I tag here I never tag people like this before but I do hope every one of you take a look at this gentleman post and help him as you can.

If I offend any of you by tagging please let me know I will remove it. Thank you for reading have a great day everyone.

@troyola @happyyy101 @littlebee4 @jmis101 @amiegeoffrey @stdd @littlenewthings @bitrocker2020 @guruvaj @cornerstone @apoloo1 @mypathtofire @ironshield @olawalium @heartbeatonhive @edgerik @crrdlx @iamraincrystal @tydynrain @adysscheryl @flaxz @benthomaswwd @pjansen @menati @wesphilbin


No need to apologize, my friend. Rather... ensure that those you have tagged, have not already interacted with the post...



As you can see. I was aware of this terrible situation, and have sent my positive energy, as well as support. But I know you meant well... and thank you for thinking of me...

Ah I see I was checking the replies sorry for not seeing your reply on this post thanks for showing me 🤠

I'm glad I was able to see this post.

Thank you for checking it out my friend

Thank you for sharing brother! I deeply appreciate your desire to help! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thank you my friend

Absolutely! I upvoted at 100% and reblogged! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

No worries on me.

Thank you brother

Thank you for tagging me, I've done the little I can.

May God comfort you all in the earthquake zone.

Thank you Amie

You can take me a lot of times you will take me with replies which doesn't make sense to me but it's true I will check out the site not that I have anything to give at the moment .

It's ok upvote is the least we can do 😊

I don't get a lot of upvote depends on where it post anyway yeah it's takes less time that's for sure

Thank you bro but tagging in this way can make people offended. Thanks for your help so much.

True but not to worry I'm sure they are happy to help 🤠 hope it's enough for what's to come my friend great work you're doing.

Thank you so much bro 👍

@incublus! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @caelum1infernum. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

A big salute to everyone rescuing people from the rubble!

It really is. I'd like to thank everyone who was there to save one life.

May God bless all who supported them because they really need support, everything will be alright, I pray those affected will get well and get new home.
God bless all the teams and volunteers who has been on support.
Thank God your girlfriend is sound and safe.

Thank you for all your good wishes.

May the dead peoples rests in peace and the injured peoples gest well soon. This is a huge disaster, really. @tipu curate 10

Thank you so much for your support and thoughts man 🙏

I wish I could do more. Stay safe, bro.

can they blame this on the buillding / construction corruption that they tried to fight back in 1999 after the big quake ?

It is true that buildings built before 1999 are less resistant to earthquakes, but I have seen in many news reports that some of the buildings built only last year have collapsed. The only innocent people here are the people who live in that house. Somebody is showing you documents that this house is made of the highest quality materials and these are approved by the authorities. In that case, those houses should not be demolished. At least the columns should have survived. Therefore, in this earthquake, the contractor who built that building, the authorities who approved those documents and everyone who did not supervise them are guilty. Earthquake does not kill people, it is the building that kills people.

That is sad , that means a lot of people died because of greed , hope they will bring those people to justice somehow .

I hope so. One of the ministers said that these people will be brought to justice. I hope so.

Sending prayers your way. Twitter has rate limited my account as well. WTF are they doing at this time... Pathetic!!


Yes, unluckily... Thank you bro 🙏


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@pravesh0(1/5) tipped @incublus (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

What a joy to know that your girlfriend is now safe my friend, it is a very noble work you are doing. I hope that more help arrives soon so that you can save as many people as possible and that the number of deaths does not increase so much. God bless you 🥺🙏🏼

I wish the same, but the number of deaths has already increased significantly.

Stay strong Bro. Glad your girlfriend is better. Keep up the good fight.

Thank you bro

Jesus, Inc, this is something horrible! Hopefully the injured recover fast and those who have past because of this incident RIP. Something like this affects people far and wide. Has there been any other countries that have offered to help out with your countries rescue efforts?

I saw on TV today that 90 countries have offered to help. I don't know how many of them sent rescue teams. I can share this tomorrow when I research it.

I hope everything gets solved fast!

I read that the Twitter issue was resolved. I hope they can put civic order, everywhere there are people who take advantage of bad situations to act badly, but it is something that will not prosper.
They will get ahead, it is a tough situation in many ways, but many people support them and will do everything possible to help.

I hope every human being is helped. I don't want anyone in there to be in a bad situation, man.

Ülkemizdeki durumu, bilmeyenler için gerçekten çok güzel özetlemişsin. Gelirleri deprem bölgesine bağışlayacağından hiç bir kuşkumuz yok. Hive ailesinin bir parçası olarak destek olan herkese de senin aracılığınla çok çok teşekkür ederiz. Böyle zor durumlarda tıpkı eskiden olduğu gibi, birlik ve beraberlik içinde her şeyin üstesinden gelebileceğimizi düşünüyorum. Verdiğin bilgiler için çok teşekkür ederim.

Rica ederim, tabi ki güvenen insanlar var ama güvenmeyenler de olacaktır bunu normal karşılıyorum.

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks bro @stresskiller

God continue to bless you! 🙏 It's good to know that your girlfriend arrived safely 🙏. Thank you @incublus for your willingness to continue helping all these people who are going through this bad time 😔. May more and more help be added 🙏. God bless you!.

Thank you so much. I hope we can get more but I guess we already got some which can change lifes.

Take care and keep safe always will promote this.

@incublus! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @caelum1infernum. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thank you so much 🙏

I don't know how I can support you but I upvoted.

Upvotes will help thank you so much 👍

@incublus, this post has been manually curated with LUV

Thank you

Thanks you so much for reaching out here and sharing the situation! I'm grateful that the Hive community has been able to help so much, and that it continues to do so! I pray that things improve quickly for all involved! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

I hope people's lives will improve immediately, but it will probably take years.

I have the same desire! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

It's really difficult situation. Thank you for what you are doing. We are trying to help as much as we can. I wish us all the best. Also, I'm glad your girlfriend's safe.

Thank you so much. Yes we are doing best.