Elements of the Plants I Saw

I was amused when @silversaver888 informed me of the contest she set. Its about plants and I'm expected to list what I saw as elements of the plant.


This photo belongs to @silversaver888

Here is what I discovered:

She was smart to get scarecrows for her plants:

Logically if any bird finds a bigger one already on the plant, such will feel scared and have to fly away except for the stubborn ones who wants to try. I think so many farmers are employing this mechanism even in my own area too. They try to make use of a human figure on thier farms and this can scare away crop thieves who roam at night seeking for plants to deavor even animals too.

I saw a Stake
Stakes were meant to provide support for plant that are enlongated without firm root. they grow on it and this tend to make the crop spacious for air and other needed nutrients for growth.

I saw a Plant Pot
This is meant to accommodate the plant especially if you don't want to make use of the ground or when you don't have much space for planting. In my yard, the entire ground is tilled and if you want to invest in ornamental crops you definitely need to get one.

I saw Green Flowers
It one of the stunning encounter i had , the Aloe Vera is thick and green which tells me it really doing great with the nutrients in available in your environment.

These where the element I discovered in the plant image above. Thanks a lot for setting up this contest. I have been motivated to check my farm. I saw green flowers. One of the most stunning things I encountered was the Aloe Vera. It was thick and green, showing that it's thriving with the nutrients available in your environment.

These are the elements I discovered in the plant image above. Thanks a lot for setting up this contest. It has motivated me to check my own farm.



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Logically if any bird finds a bigger one already on the plant, such will feel scared

Thanks for your insight and for joining in the contest. I will announce the winners in 6 days.

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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @faithgifty34 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/30 calls)

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@faithgifty34! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (5/20)

Okay thanks for letting me know. I hope it continues.

Thanks for inviting me. Do have a nice day!

You have discovered quite much. Good luck for the contest 👍

Thank you so much, I wish you goodluck too.

I'm back to being a newbie gardener myself, starting from scratch. She's way above me in theme and composition. I left my garden neglected for years in not having the time and energy left, but not this year. Good luck with the contest @faithgifty34 🌱

Thats nice. I dont joke with my farm because it from there i get my food. Managing kids with little salary and expensive cost of food is a problem I usually face. That's why I farm.

Inflation and governmental mis-management is making food prices less affordable in Canada, we import most of our food since we have a short growing season, and it's another reason I am also cultivating to supplement my family.

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@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @faithgifty34 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/30 calls)

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That's very profitable. I wish you more strength and resources to do so.

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