To that one good woman, who nurture me unconditionally. I love you! LOH #185

in Ladies of Hive18 days ago (edited)

Thank you ladiesofhive for celebrating the mothers again this month and thanks to @cautiva-30 for accepting to be the best judge.

I'm gonna answer all questions here this week. So let's start with the first question "Tribute to my Momma"

The woman, a good and well-mannered woman who gave birth to me is the best mother in the whole wide world👌 She is a very hardworking, disciplinarian, a beautiful queen who played the role of a father and mother at the same time, that's who my mother is.
Dad had died 19 years ago and this hardworking woman took the burden of nurturing us to herself and played a meaningful fatherly role. It was as if all her life depended on our success 🤔 We were still young when the sudden death happened but my mother made us who we are today. She did many jobs to see us through school, and engaged in many loan debts to make us a better person today, even though we see no family members🤔

I can never the days of no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no shoes nor jewelry, the days of landlords demanding rent🤔, and late school fee payments that almost cost me an extra year in the University. All her thoughts were for my children to be successful then she could have as many material things as she desired. My mother is a superwoman!

I pray for you mom, You will long in good health and sound mind to reap the fruits of your hard labour on your children.🙏 None of us will die before your eyes IJN🙏🙏🙏

Tribute to my dearest Mother.

Oh, my dearest mother!
My ever-loving mother,
My prayer warrior,
Thank you, dear mother, for all that you have done for me,
For the unconditional love,
For the undeniable care,
For all the amazing sacrifices,
For the beautiful memories we share,
I love you more than words can say,
And cherish every moment, we shared in love.

My dearest mother!

"My mother!
Your love is like a guiding light unto my path, it keeps shining brighter to keep me going.
Each time I look into your beautiful eyes, all I see is comfort, Unconditional love, and pure sacrifice towards me.

You are a rare gem!
With every breath in you, you gave me a life and nurtured me from a little girl to the beautiful woman I have become.
You are selfless and true in all
You are a source of comfort to me when in trouble.
You wipe away my tears, calm every fear in me, and fill my life with so much joy and happiness.

Oh, my gentle mother!
You are worthy of emulation.
With your gentle hands, you shaped my fate,
Teaching me to stand, to walk, to stand tall amidst my fears.
Your patience and kindness is a precious gift to me.
I love you, mom!

Coming back to this world again, I would love to come through you, dearest mother!

      𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~

2️⃣ It is often said that "every day should be Mother's Day." If you are valued and unique. How?

To be a mother is not a day job👌 For the fact that I get to face so many things in life, undergo stress in and out, carry a human in my belly for 9 months (antenatal) feel the heat alone, coming out to face the journey of nursing a child (postnatal), breastfeeding and all other stress attached to raising a child or being a wife and mother🤔 All of these are not easy at all. I give it to all mothers in the world. You are a rare breed!

I am unique!
I am valuable!
I am more than a conqueror!
I am a super mother!
I am a wonderful creature!

My beautiful self

How can I be loved if I don't value and love myself?
There are lots of things I do to appreciate myself even if no one does 🧐 Check them out👇👇👇👇👇

Gratitude: How can I breathe without giving gratitude to God for making me a woman? I reflect on my strengths and achievements, all I see is God at work.

Self-compassion: I prioritize my own needs and well-being sometimes over others, and get myself gifts just as I would for my loved ones. I indulge in small pleasures and treat myself right because I'm worth it!

Mindful moments: I take time to breathe, meditate on the awesomeness of God, and connect with my inner self. I remind myself of how wonderfully and beautifully I'm made in God's image.

Self-care: I dedicate one day a week to pampering myself, whether to eat dinner outside my kitchen, read a good book, or have a peaceful Hangout with friends.

Celebrating milestones: I acknowledge and celebrate every achievement, whether small or big, personal or professional. It is a big win for me.

Building and Nurturing relationships: I invest in meaningful connections with family and friends who uplift and support me. They would be there to celebrate my win with me

By showing myself love, care, and appreciation, I'm reminded that every day is indeed Mother's Day – a celebration of my unique journey into motherhood, nurturing my children, and the incredible mother and wife that I am!

    ~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~

3️⃣ Is there a special recipe or tradition that is associated with your mom (or mom figure) that you would love to share with us?

The special recipe associated with my Mom is her local delicacy called water yam porridge (Ifokore).
She is from the Yoruba tribe in Ogun State, Nigeria.

These are the recipe 👇👇👇

Water yam (your choice of size)
Palm oil ( very important)
Smoked fish
Boiled mackerel fish
Ponmo(cow skin)
Dried fish
Chopped onion(optional)
Blended locust beans (optional)
Meat/fish/chicken broth

 How to prepare

Peel the water yam and cut it into small cubes or slices. Rinse the yam pieces with water to remove any dirt.
Grate it with a manual grater or blend it in a blender. (Note: blender can make it too smooth so avoid too much pressure)
Pour enough broth or water into the pot that can cover the yam pieces but, If you prefer it thicker, add less broth. Add salt, pepper, Maggi, and chopped locust beans(optional), put the dried fish and ponmo into the water, and cover the pot to cook for 4-5mins
You can add the grated yam in smaller pieces to the boiled ingredients. Also add smoked fish, dried fish, boiled fish or meat, and palm oil at this point for added flavor. Cover the pot for 5 minutes.
Reduce the heat, stir the porridge, and cover the pot. Allow the porridge to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, or until the yam is soft and easily mashed with a fork.

Once cooked, remove the pot from the heat and use a wooden spoon or masher to mash the yam into pieces. If the porridge is too thick, you can add more broth or water.

Her local delicacy

Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.
The ifokore is best served with cold eba(cassava flakes) molded into a swallow.

My participation in the #ladiesofhive weekly contest.
Thank you for reading, let me know your view in the comment section.

Your's in 💕


Mothers are a very beautiful treasure because without them we would not have life starting from that very important side. We should always take care of them and protect them.

A wonderful creature who loves without compromise 👌
I'm blessed with a rare gem as a mother.
Thanks for visiting my blog @daimar07

Hello my friend, what beautiful words for your mother, there are mothers who definitely deserve an award for their work and dedication towards their children.
You are very right in what you say. In order to be loved and accepted, we must first love ourselves. A pleasure to read you, greetings and blessings.

Thank you dear @marivic10
She deserves multiple awards for not abandoning us when everything seems impossible.
Thank you, dear mother😍

Hello @flourishandflora nice writing in tribute to your mother: ‘a beautiful queen who played the role of father and mother at the same time, that's my mother’, just as you describe a super woman, for that unconditional love for her children. I agree that to be loved by others, we must value and love ourselves, the recipe looks great. Thanks for sharing, a hug.

She is indeed a super mother, a rare breed that cares unconditionally 👍
Thanks for the beautiful hug 🤗

I was smiling helplessly when reading the poem you wrote to your mom. That was an amazing piece.

Awwm, smiling does good to the body than frowning 🤣 Thank God, I made you smile😁😁
Thank you 🤗

And you just made me smile again. I love you dear friend

Thank you baby🤗🤗🤗

Mothers are amazing and I wonder what the earth would look like without a mother

The earth would be empty because there wouldn't be procreation, socialization, and others.
Women make the world👌

And the best part of your beautiful self is that awesome smile and the self confidence your mother nurtured into you. ❤️

Awwnn, thank you sweetie 💕