The Multifaceted Roles of Women in Society || LOH 184

in Ladies of Hive24 days ago


Hello my ladies, it's a beautiful day to talk about our gender, once I saw the topic I couldn't help but get on with it, as it is a very dicey subject. The prompt for this week says

Do you believe that women have a very clear role today in society? If so, what is that role?

I personally believe the role of women in the society has undergone numerous transformations from the time when our roles and positions were relegated to home front, right up to the time when we began invading the workforce, up until now when more a d more women are involved in the decision making of the nations where they are, I'm sure you will agree with me that this is an immense transformation cycle.


Gone are the days when a woman was confined to the four walls of the home, or even the days when they were relegated to certain professions only, these days women are venturing into almost every profession, and not only are they venturing, they creating giant strides and making impacts.


In today's world, women are known to be multifaceted, that is they usually wear different hats, she's a wife to her husband, she's a mother, teacher, nurse, judge and so much more to her children, a colleague/employer/boss at her place of work, a cook to her family and many other hats she gets to wear daily.

Women have been known to be nurturers, they nature whatever they are given with love until it blooms, take for instance the pregnancy journey, a woman is given a seed only but she nurtures and takes care of that seed so well with love that it then blossoms to a child after 9 months. Women are known not only to nurture their homes, they are also known as generational builders, as they instill values and knowledge into the young ones to prepare them for the future.


Women these days are also involved in technological advancements, policy making and a whole lot, that their absence in these fields will be greatly felt if they were to recline.

In as much as the participation and contribution of women in almost every sector of the economy has brought about remarkable progress and advancement when compared to what it was some years ago, but women still continue to face some gender based prejudice in the economy.

I don't believe there is a clear cut role for women in today's contemporary society, we are expected to be any and everything, we have so many obligations we are to fulfill, there's the familial obligations, societal obligations, professional obligations and so on.

So no, I don't think that the women have clear cut role that they are meant to just fit into, they have just too many unwritten or unspoken roles that they are just supposed to assume even at the detriment if their health sometimes.

A big shoutout to all the ladies, mums, mums-to-be, you guys rock, we are the real MVPs and we deserve all the best things in life.

This is my submission in response to the #Dreemport and the #LadiesofHive community collaboration.

Thanks for stopping by❤

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You pointed out very important points here and I agree with you
I don't actually see reason why women should be relegated to the background. They have proven to be people of great substance and should be accorded that respect.

Honestly they should be accorded the respect they deserve. Thanks for stopping by.

sometimes I sit down and breathe just because woman are no longer confined to the kitchen
It makes me happy


who run the world??? girls!!!!! We women are the

women are doing extraordinary things in the world today and I'm proud to be a woman. Loved everything about your post 😊

Thank you so much for your kind words. And we will continue to do great things.

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Yes, we will😊

Compared to then, women have come a long way. From being objects to holding undeniable positions of power. This is a beautiful post that carefully highlights the truth that women can be anything they want to be.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Oh thanks a lot @thekittygirl I appreciate.

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Thank you for the opportunity.