Celebrating the National Women's Month | Empowering Ladies of CPPO

in Ladies of Hive • 3 months ago

Good day everyone👋. Hope all is well especially all the women out there. March is "OUR MONTH" as we celebrate National Women's Month.




We in the law enforcement service also celebrated the ♡♡National Women's Month♡♡. We have various activities lined up for the whole month. This is to give credit and recognize the contribution of women in the law enforcement service.

The Kick-off Ceremony




As March started, we also started ours with a kick-off ceremony. All women of the CPPO (whole province of Cebu) stations, uniformed and non-uniformed were gathered to welcome the ♡women's month♡. We started with a parade within the camp of our Provincial Office. We were grouped by District.




After the parade, we gathered in the quadrangle of CPPO and danced the famous "I Love Cebu" song. We are all united and danced together with fun and excitement.




During the lunch break, we decided to have a tour around the headquarters and were amazed by the murals painted on the wall fence. This was to represent different tourist attractions in different cities and municipalities of the Province of Cebu. This was the adaptation of the Provincial PNP to the Provincial Government the well-known, Suroy-suroy Sugbo.


Of course, I will not let the chance pass without taking a picture of our beautiful Municipality of Tabogon. Showcasing the beautiful spots that you could see in our municipality.




The set-up of the quadrangle during the kick-off ceremony. Also during this time, we displayed different delicacies from different cities and municipalities. As if we are celebrating a fiesta.


Before I went home, I bumped into my colleagues before. We used to work together in our station, but as we say nothing is permanent - some stay and some leave, well it is because of the nature of our work. I was so happy to see them again 😊

The Culmination Night


After various activities that were participated by selected women within the province, March 21, 2024, was scheduled for our culmination night. This was to end the ♡National Women's Month Celebration♡. We are all gathered again for a special event.


We are given the chance by our Provincial Director to take a day off from work. We will have a party for this night.




We started the night with a dinner. They got a caterer to serve us. While others are still in line to get their food, some already started to take their dinner.



Right after the dinner, we started the program by choosing the Best of the Night. They got to showcase their beautiful boho chic outfit, introduce themselves and which district they came from. One female and one member of the LGBTQ Community. This was to show gender equality among us.


The next activity was a dance presentation of each district. This was to entertain all the guests and of course everybody on the ground.



Then we proceeded to the giving of awards to the deserving winners of the best of the night. We are all excited to know the winners, for they will get an overnight stay at Malapascua Island. They also selected different consolation awards and were given Php5,000.00 pesos, a sash and a bouquet.



Then, we have the photo opt by district together with the Female Officials of CPPO.

Let's Party




As the loud music started, the foam burst from the air which added to the excitement of everyone. And everybody gathered at the quadrangle and enjoyed the night. We dance to the beat of music as the DJ hits the key.


We enjoyed the whole night dancing on the floor together with the united females of CPPO. We may gather once a year only but the friendship and harmony are with us always. We are the empowered women of the law enforcement agency. After a long night, we decided to go home, we went home with a smile, thankful that we celebrated our month successfully.


I haven't experienced joining this kind of celebration. I'm glad upon seeing you having fun and promoting women's empowerment.

We always celebrate womens month in our agency. They make sure to give us importance and show our capabilities.

Happy womens month to every woman on hive fam.

Happy womens to your sector also @chimegipamus, thanks for dropping by.

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