LOH Contest #184 || The greatest lessons of motherhood.



Bendecido Miércoles apreciadas Damas de Hive. Para mi participación de hoy he decidido responder a la primera pregunta basada en los retos y aprendizajes de la maternidad.
Blessed Wednesday dear Ladies of Hive. For my participation today I have decided to answer the first question based on the challenges and learnings of motherhood.

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Para iniciar mi respuesta me parece oportuno mencionar que soy madre de dos jóvenes y que mi primer hijo nació hace 22 años y mi niña hace ya 17 años. Mis dos hijos son muy parecidos físicamente entre sí, pero sumamente diferentes en cuanto a personalidad, lo cual supone el primer gran reto: criar a dos seres con caracteres y personalidades tan opuestas. Por otro lado, ambos se encuentran dentro de los niveles leves del autismo, lo cual hace todo aún más especial.
To begin my answer, it seems appropriate to mention that I am the mother of two young people and that my first son was born 22 years ago and my daughter was born 17 years ago. My two children are very similar physically, but very different in personality, which is the first big challenge: raising two beings with such opposite characters and personalities. On the other hand, they are both within the mild levels of autism, which makes everything even more special.


La maternidad fue algo que yo anhelaba con todo mi corazón, por eso no he sentido peso alguno en asumirla, sin embargo, esto no significa que ha sido fácil para mí. Con mis hijos he aprendido mucho y aún sigo aprendiendo, sin embargo, puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme lo más desafiante que me ha tocado afrontar es aceptar que ya no tengo el control, pues ya están en edad de tomar sus propias decisiones.
Motherhood was something that I longed for with all my heart, so I have not felt any weight in assuming it, however, this does not mean that it has been easy for me. With my children I have learned a lot and I am still learning, however, I can say without fear of being wrong that the most challenging thing I have had to face is to accept that I am no longer in control, since they are now at the age to make their own decisions.


Siempre me digo a mi misma, que todo era más fácil cuando ellos eran pequeños, porque yo me encargaba de que comieran a tiempo, durmieran a sus horas, tomaran sus medicamentos, cumplieran con sus deberes escolares y todo lo que una madre debe hacer por sus hijos. Ahora que ya están grandes, ellos deciden cómo vestirse, a qué horas dormir y comer, muchas veces descuidan su salud. Algunas veces puede que no tomen las mejores decisiones, pero todo eso forma parte de la vida y aunque quisiera intervenir, he tenido que aprender a estar allí para apoyarlos, pero sin pretender tomar el control.
I always tell myself that everything was easier when they were little, because I made sure they ate on time, slept on time, took their medications, did their homework and everything a mother should do for her children. Now that they are grown up, they decide how to dress, at what time to sleep and eat, many times they neglect their health. Sometimes they may not make the best decisions, but that is all part of life and although I would like to intervene, I have had to learn to be there to support them, but without pretending to take control.


El mayor aprendizaje y mayor desafío ha sido permitir que mis hijos transiten su camino de la forma que ellos elijan, respetando su autonomía y libertad, pero estando siempre presente para escucharlos y darles mi opinión cada vez que lo requieran. Soltar a los hijos para que aprendan a volar solos es lo más difícil que hay, pero forma parte de su desarrollo como personas y debemos aceptarlo con amor y respeto.
The greatest learning and greatest challenge has been to allow my children to travel their path the way they choose, respecting their autonomy and freedom, but always being present to listen to them and give them my opinion whenever they need it. Letting children learn to fly on their own is the hardest thing there is, but it is part of their development as people and we must accept it with love and respect.


Aprovecho la oportunidad para felicitar desde ya, a todas las damas de Hive que han elegido el camino de la maternidad. Deseo que tengan una bonita celebración del día de las Madres. Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
I take this opportunity to congratulate all the ladies of Hive who have chosen the path of motherhood. I wish you a beautiful Mother's Day celebration. Thank you for reading, greetings and blessings.


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Your response beautifully encapsulates the journey of motherhood, highlighting the challenges, joys, and growth that come with raising children. It's evident how much love and dedication you have for your children, and your willingness to support them while also allowing them the freedom to make their own choices is truly admirable. Your message of encouragement and congratulations to other mothers is also very heartwarming.

I really appreciate this comment. Thanks so much for taking the time for reading my post.
Blessings for you 🤗

You are welcome


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You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

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