
I'm thinking about the formula to create maximum fun. It may have something to do with ease of learning to play and actually playing, the proper degree of randomness in the game, and the reward/cost ratio. Maybe something about collectability too, and progression to higher more challenging levels over time, and new features available over time without making the game too complicated. This goes to sustainability as well as fun.

The game has something like a dozen parameters so far that can be tweaked to achieve maximum fun. So we have levers and dials to change things up over time, with input from the team and players.

Thanks for Your input!

Yes agreed. Thank you fer dis'. Having a background in gaming I completely agree! #freecompliments !BBH

@logen9f! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (22/50)