Ladies of Hive Community Contest #183 //The Last Photo I Took And The Story Behind It By mamab

in Ladies of Hivelast month

Hello pretty ladies of this beautiful community. My name is mamab on this space. I will say this is the first time I am posting here because I have not responded in writing on any topic before now, but I have participated in voting and commenting. So, I am excited to be part of the contest for week #183 on Ladies of hive.
A big Hi to the judge for the week @saffisara.

In response to the question - what was the last photo you took? Share it with us tell the story behind it.

I will be writing on the topic "The last photo I took and the story behind it".
Photos are usually taken most times to have a remembrance or keep memory alive.

This is my photo holding an acoustic guitar. Guess what? This guitar is 10 years old 😊. I bought this guitar as far back as 2014 when I was in my final year in the university. This is due to my quest and passion to learn music. While in school I had someone who showed me how to place my fingers on the frets and strum. But after school I was relaxed and continued to play only the keys that were simple and comfortable. It grew worse as the days went by, I focused more on singing and playing the keyboard 🎹.

Suddenly, it flashed through my mind that I might forget how to play the guitar, so I picked it up few days ago and dusted it to see if the memories of playing will come alive. I'm glad it did, then I snapped some pictures with my phone.

Thank you for stopping by to read through the story behind the last photo I took.



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Lovely 🌹🌹🌹,nice presentation, indeed photographs are good records for keeping memories and cherished moments we can't forget in a hurry. Gald,you could play the guitar 🎸 again. Well done 👍

Thank you very much 😊 for stopping by.

That is a really Beautiful photo and I can tell that guitar 🎸 means alot to you. And you had it for long, Mabye we get to hear you play and sing some day 😉

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌺

😊 yea thanks a lot. I sing in hive open mic community.

Ohh.. I Will go check it out and listen 😉 Thank you for sharing that and sorry that I missed it.