Ladies of Hive Community Contest #186 - Parenting best practices in the current times

This week @LadiesofHive - Contest #186 questions are:
1️⃣What do you consider to be the three most pivotal qualities or traits that parents must possess in order to effectively fulfill this vital task?
~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
2️⃣ At certain junctures in our lives, we encounter individuals whose influence profoundly impacts our personal development. Upon reflection, we recognize that without their presence, we wouldn’t have reached the level of growth we are today. Have you experienced such a pivotal figure in your life? If so, could you elaborate on how their presence has contributed to your transformative journey?
~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
3️⃣ Write a letter to your mom (or mom figure) telling her how special she is to you. Make sure you show her this letter is public for all to see! Moms love this!


I missed participating in the contest for the last 2 weeks with all the travelling that I have been doing. But here I am back again with this week contest response. I will like to answer all of these questions in brief.

1️⃣What do you consider to be the three most pivotal qualities or traits that parents must possess in order to effectively fulfill this vital task?
Parenting is becoming a very challenging task in today's time. Children have a lot of external influences which kind of defies the traditional parenting ways. For my generation when we were small, we used to fear our parents in some ways, but nowadays there is nothing as such, rather the parents fear the children that if they do something wrong then there can be an issue from the school or other places.
As time changes and lot of things around are changing, so is the parenting ways.
In today's age, the 3 most important traits a parents must possess are

  • Be a friend to their child. This type of bonding will help the child talk freely with the parents and it will help develop a stronger bond.
  • Give space to children - Parents should understand that their child also needs a space of their own and not be nagging them all the time. This understanding will develop mutual respect
  • Listen to what your child has to say- Today's generation children are smart and intelligent. Parent should accept that they can also learn from their children and be open to that without any ego.



2️⃣The pivotal figure in my life - Without any doubt, my hubby. We got married at a very early age and I can say that we have both grown up together in life. At every step of my life more then my own self he believed in me and encouraged me to grow in life in every possible way. Every goal in life that I have achieved would have not been possible without his support. I am a person who can give up easily, but he would never let me give up and always stand by me to give that little extra nudge. It's a blessing to have such a life partner.

3️⃣ Write a letter to your mom - It's going to be very short.
My dear mom. All I want to tell you is, thank you for bringing me into this world, because of which I am experiencing this beautiful life in so many ways. You carried me in your womb for 9 months and I am grateful for that. Today all that I have in my life is only because I have this life which is a gift from you. I want to let you know that you will always be the most wonderful and precious person of my life.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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I would like to say thank you Ma'am @nainaztengra for sharing your knowledge about parenting. It will surely help the mothers to understand and handle the child better especially the new Mom.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Absolutely dearest, being their friend is real one of the most important points... That's how my dad and mom raised me and I'm doing so well in life because of it.... You nailed it🥰

It makes a lot of difference when parents can be comfortable talking to their children about anything and that only happens when we become their friends along with their parents

You're absolutely right on that dearest

With the issue of parenting, I whole heartedly agree with you. Being a friend to them and learning to listen to them would bond you unimaginably. Glad you're doing well, friend.🌺

Absolutely, it creates a strong bond between the 2 generations

Definitely! Creating a space for the child to voice his/her opinion and be part of the discussion can reduce a lot of the friction between parent and child. Kids are indeed smart nowadays and can also come up with great ideas.

They are super smart and they want to be heard, it's the new age parenting now

The traits that you shared ma'am are very useful for today's generation. Thank you for the ideas.😊 Have a nice day.😊

Thank you

You're welcome ma'am. 😊

Every child will surely have one or two to say and we should not disregard all they say because we feel they are kids
We should try to always listen to them

The kids these days are very smart and they know what they want and what they are talking so parents need to be attentive about that

Mother is very precious for us because mother gives us life, we can never repay her debt but we should always stay with our mother because life is very short.

Among the enteries I have read so far, you are the first one to mention the point of giving space to our children. And I felt like oh yes, it is also a crucial aspect of healthy parenting. Being an individual, they also deserve to have respect for their boundaries. Nagging and dictating things all the time may make them rebellion or highly dependent.

I am delighted to know that you have got a wonderful life partner. It is blessing every woman desires.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, !LADY

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Thank you. I believe that as individuals we all need our space whether as grown ups or children and that should be respected for everyone
