The Peak of Anger is Indifference II LOH Contest #95

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)
Hi everybody. How are you? I hope you're okay. This theme is quite interesting to me. I'm going to answer the first question sharing one thing that makes you angry, how long you've been angry for, and what or who can calm you down. Because I was at the peak of my anger towards someone. I will not mention his name in this story. I don't feel angry anymore. Instead, it is hatred. What's the story?

I have a senior, he is like my older brother. I call him my big brother. There was a lot of romance we built when I was a student. He is one of the most useful people in my life. So, I called him big brother. 10 years ago, I met him.

But it turns out that 10 years of friends and communication still don't understand me. Maybe four months ago, the unexpected happened between me and him. We had a big fight, and I cried about it. some harsh words I have to accept. Not only was it rude, I felt equated with an animal. I do not accept.

Until I was 29 years old, I never received a harsh quote from my parents. So, I reject people who say rude to me. I also reject people who call me animal words. What is the problem between me and my big brother?

The problem is simple, just communication. His words, however, demeaned my humanity and referred to me as an animal. I can never forgive that. Whoever, who has despised my humanity, will never be able to forgive him, ever. why?

I believe that someone who has called you and likened him to an animal, your humanity has been lost before him. You will be looked down upon all the time. You don't believe me? Just try to prove it. And that's been a principle I've stuck with all the time.

I decided to block his contact. I no longer communicate with him. Either way, I don't communicate with him anymore. I don't want to meet him. Will that be the pinnacle of my anger? Actually, crying and blocking contact is not the peak of anger. But, no longer willing to care is the culmination of anger.

I'm starting to not care what he's doing. I pray I don't want to see him again in any way. Have I gone too far? For me no. I defend my dignity as a human being. No one wants to be pelted with harsh words and equated with animals.

What about the other? Actually, I'm not the type to get angry easily. I rarely get angry. When I'm upset, I prefer to sleep and forget what happened. After waking up, I'll forget what pissed me off.

follow my story. I hope what happened to me doesn't happen to you. I asked some of my friends to take part in this contest, namely @viviehardika and @devyswan1.

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Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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Everything that has happened with your brother is perfect. Now then, I have a question, just for you to ponder. Are you really happy not to talk to him or do you feel that it was an injustice that happened and that is what really bothers you? I leave it there as a very personal task with yourself.

hai sister @tibaire I again thought whether my actions were right or wrong, but I also thought he had become a principle in my life. say harshly and liken animals, something that. I can't forget. I've forgiven him, but to get back to normal, I need time. I don't want my humanity to be lost and he keeps looking down on me.

Thank you for sharing your story. It is sad to read that your 10 years of friendship with your big brother is lost. I do hope you will both make up. Hatred can be suffocating and painful to oneself.

I have forgiven him, but his harsh words and likened me to an animal, cannot be forgotten. I only act so that the humanity that I have is not lost

That's a good thing, being able to forgive. He might be regretting about it. That's the thing about words, we can never take them back once they're spoken. Hurtful ones are like daggers that prick the heart.

hai sister @ifarmgirl I hope he really thinks about it. and what happened to me doesn't happen again. or he does to other people

I hope he does... take care sis and have a wonderful day :)