The transformative power of being a mother. LOH#184

in Ladies of Hive23 days ago

Before my son was born, I thought I understood what it meant to truly care for someone. I had loving parents growing up, close friendships. But nothing could have prepared me for the profound shift that occurred the moment I locked eyes with my newborn child for the first time. In an instant, a love more powerful than anything I'd ever known blossomed from the depths of my soul.

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Those early days were a whirlwind - the overnight transition from just being responsible for myself to having the weightiest duty of keeping this new little life safe, fed, and thriving. The learning curve was vertical, the exhaustion overwhelming at times. But underneath it all burned this steady flame, an unwavering drive to give everything I had to nurture and protect my baby.

In the trenches of round-the-clock feeding, soothing, and dirty diapers, I began to understand a mother's love in an incredibly visceral way. It is not just caring, but an utterly selfless state of being. Your wants and needs are superseded by this incredible force pulling you to make everything right for your child, no matter what it costs you. Discomfort, fatigue, self-deprivation - these all fade into irrelevance when your baby is crying in your arms and you know only you can provide the comfort they need.

There was a night in those early months when I was running a fever and feeling desperately ill, yet I still rose every few hours to feed my son, my chills and aches no match for the determination to nourish him. Being a mother means locking away your own suffering to ensure your child's needs are met first. Always first.

As the months and years went on, this transcendent love only solidified and evolved. I cared more - not just for my son but for all humanity. Because holding that precious newborn made me realize just how valuable and deserving of protection every new life is. How could I not extend that fierce advocacy and nurturing spirit to all children after being entrusted with such a gift?

My compassion compounded for all those doing the hard work of parenting, visibly or not. Every frazzled mother in the grocery store, every overtired dad patiently watching their kids at the playground - I saw them with new eyes. I felt bonded to them through the shared struggle and heroics of devoting oneself to a child's wellbeing, no matter how depleted we felt.

When my loved ones faced illnesses or hardships, I had a visceral understanding of how to show up with empathy and care. Because I knew what it felt like to have someone else's life depend on you so completely. I had been humbled and strengthened by the responsibility of shielding my child from every imaginable threat and hardship. So how could I do any less for my struggling family and friends who needed support and protection of a different kind?

This transition to putting someone else first - to considering their needs and perspective as a default over my own - has been life's greatest lesson. I feel like I was reborn as a person with the capacity for more profound love, resilience, and selflessness than I ever could have envisioned before motherhood cracked open my heart.

Of course, with this awakening came new depths of vulnerability that I never could have anticipated. Because putting your whole self into keeping someone else safe and happy means your sense of well-being becomes inextricably tied to theirs. You share their hurts and fears as your own. And that is a heavy burden at times.

But even on the hardest days of this parenting journey, I'm able to center myself in gratitude for this new level of consciousness. Never have I felt more connected to my core humanity - to love with everything I am, to persevere through darkness, to find rapture in small victories. Caring this profoundly is painful at times, yes. But it has also been the greatest privilege and most profound growth I've ever known.

So while there have been innumerable pearls of wisdom from this wild ride of motherhood, none has been as transformative as this: To love someone else more than yourself. To exist as a vessel for safeguarding their joy and potential. This is the highest calling, and ekstremely demand but ultimately life's most precious honor. It has made me more alive, more awake, more complete as a human being. And despite the challenges, I'll be forever grateful for this chrysalis journey motherhood has taken me through.


This is so beautiful. I've always heard that motherhood changes one and this story of yours says it all. Thank you for sharing your experience.


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Yeah motherhood does changes everything. Thanks for reading.

Very insightful!


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Motherhood is an experience that makes one put others first as we give them the best we have to offer. Not that it is easy, but we do it whether it is convenient or not. What a beautiful share!

To Love someone else more than yourself 👍 it's a sacrifice indeed.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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It is in the way it often comes naturally. You don't have to force the love. That's a bond made in heaven. It makes you different and it helps you to see the world differently. Children are fantastic gifts.

Well done #dreemeroflife


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Having a your own new born child in your arms does change your life and perspective doesn't it?