#159 - A lady of Hive's Passion!

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago


Can a person live without passion? When I hear the word 'passion' I think of a song from a few decades ago. In this song a relationship ends because the man has lost his passion for his girlfriend.
Is the loss of passion a good reason to stop a relationship, to stop doing what you are doing, always liked? I find it difficult to answer that.

I owned an animal shelter for years.
I did this with passion in addition to the two jobs I had and (single) motherhood. I was crazy about the predators, but the passion disappeared after over a decade when I noticed I was only busy making money to care for the animals that others wanted to get rid of. A perpetual lack of money, but also of time and sleep made me decide to give up on the animal shelter. My passion for these animals never left, but I had to choose for myself, myself and my family. Sometimes, when I see my favourite animals, I would like to start the shelter again, but an easier pet is a cat. With a cat you can just do what you want, a cat also goes its own way and that is what I prefer too.

By the way, my greatest passion is art.
Creating something, sculpting, painting, it doesn't matter, but those are expensive hobbies and there is always and always has been a lack of time and money.

Stories and reading have also been a passion of mine from an early age.
I have been saving pocket money, every cent to buy books since I was 6 or 7 years old.
I love stories and cherish the stories others tell me, this will always remain the case but I also put my passion for reading aside for some years. Reading takes time and I often lack that, even though I haven't watched television for at least 20 years or more.

I gave many of my books to my children, they share the same passion.
My eldest has at least 1000 books by now, so her own library.

Although it seems like people are reading less, I noticed that the bookstores in Germany, France and the Netherlands are always full of people. Many booksellers are also active online. Apparently, they are still doing good business just like the libraries and not everyone goes for an e-book.
An e-book is not necessary for me. To be honest, I think it's a waste of money, and it also doesn't read very well on a phone or e-reader. Something printed on paper has more value to me and my children think the same way.

After last summer, there are approximately 50 more books, if not 60, in our home. A large number of these were in giveaway cupboards or between the trash on the street. My youngest and I took them.
The giveaway shop also regularly has good books and the thrift shop had the most recent publications for a very small amount. Thanks to these initiatives, the passion for reading and expanding the book collection is back in full swing.

Reading is a way to travel to other worlds while staying at home. Whatever kind of book you read, it is always educational and it makes me think, that with a good book, you are never bored or lonely.

Another passion is watching movies (not on TV). Also in terms of films, you can now travel around the world and learn about other cultures, enter a different world than what you are used to. It is even possible to hear and learn other languages. The disadvantage is that it costs electricity and you need internet access. By the way, I don't watch American films anymore. Way too much aggression, shouting, cursing, eternal fighting and sex every few minutes, none of which I want. Hollywood is done for me. Many countries make good films, it would be a shame to skip these.

Of course, a passion also has disadvantages because every passion can also turn into an obsession. An obsession or even addiction makes you forget everything and everyone around you. A passion, a driving force, in life, is good, but only if not everything revolves around it.

Translation/Traducción: google translate
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20231105_121521.jpgThe photo is taken by me.


¿Puede una persona vivir sin pasión? Cuando escucho la palabra 'pasión' pienso en una canción de hace unas décadas. En esta canción una relación termina porque el hombre ha perdido la pasión. ¿Es esa la pérdida de pasión una buena razón para dejar de hacer algo que estás haciendo? Me resulta difícil responder a eso.

Fui dueño de un refugio de animales durante años. Hice esto con pasión además de los dos trabajos que tenía y la maternidad (soltera). Estaba loco por los depredadores, pero la pasión desapareció cuando solo me dediqué a ganar dinero para cuidar a los animales que otros habían dejado en la calle. La perpetua falta de dinero, pero también de tiempo y de sueño, me hizo decidir abandonar el refugio de animales. Mi pasión por estos animales nunca desapareció, pero tuve que elegir por mí, por mí y por mi familia. A veces, cuando vuelvo a ver estos animales, me gustaría volver a tenerlos, pero una mascota más fácil es un gato. Con un gato puedes hacer lo que quieras, un gato también sigue su propio camino y eso es lo que yo preferiría.

Mi mayor pasión es el arte.
Crear algo, esculpir, pintar, no importa, pero son pasatiempos caros y siempre falta dinero.

Los cuentos y la lectura también han sido una pasión desde temprana edad. Llevo ahorrando para comprar libros desde que tenía 6 o 7 años.
Me encantan las historias y aprecio las historias que otros me cuentan, este siempre será así. También dejé de lado por un tiempo mi pasión por la lectura. Leer requiere tiempo y a menudo me falta, a pesar de que no he visto televisión durante al menos 20 años o más.

Muchos de mis libros se los di a mis hijos, ellos comparten la misma pasión. Mi hija mayor tiene ahora al menos 1000 libros, es decir, su propia biblioteca.

Aunque parece que la gente lee menos, he notado que las librerías en Alemania, Francia y Holanda siempre están llenas de gente. Muchos libreros también operan online. Al parecer todavía hacen buenos negocios al igual que las bibliotecas y no todo el mundo apuesta por un libro electrónico. Un libro electrónico no es necesario para mí. Para ser honesto, creo que es una pérdida de dinero y tampoco se lee muy bien en un teléfono o en un lector electrónico. Algo impreso en papel tiene más valor para mí y mis hijos piensan lo mismo.

Después del verano pasado, hay aproximadamente 50 libros más, si no 60. Un gran número de ellos estaban en armarios de artículos obsequios o en la basura de la calle. La tienda de regalos también tiene buenos libros con regularidad y la tienda de segunda mano tenía las publicaciones más recientes por una cantidad muy pequeña. Gracias a estas iniciativas, la pasión por la lectura y ampliar la colección de libros vuelve a estar en pleno apogeo.

La lectura es la forma de viajar a otros mundos estando en casa. Cualquiera que sea el tipo de libro que leas, siempre es educativo y me hace pensar, y con un buen libro nunca te aburres ni te sientes solo.

Otra pasión es ver películas (no en televisión).
También en términos de películas, ahora puedes viajar por el mundo y conocer otras culturas, entrar en un mundo diferente al que estás acostumbrado. Incluso es posible escuchar y aprender otros idiomas. La desventaja es que cuesta electricidad y necesitas acceso a Internet. Por cierto, ya no veo películas americanas. Demasiada agresión, gritos, maldiciones, peleas eternas y sexo cada pocos minutos, nada de lo cual quiero. Hollywood se acabó para mí. Hay muchos países que hacen buenas películas, sería una pena saltarse estas películas.

Por supuesto, una pasión también tiene desventajas porque toda pasión también puede convertirse en una obsesión.
Una obsesión o incluso una adicción te hace olvidar todo y a todos los que te rodean. Una pasión, una fuerza motriz, en la vida es buena, pero sólo si no todo gira en torno a esa pasión.


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I can relate to your passion for books! I am an avid reader, although for many years, I too had put it away as life was busy and I just didn't have the time. Since covid came, I rediscovered the library.

I have always wanted my own library; the formal kind with a fireplace, a big window, a large nicely done wooden desk and wall to wall; floor to ceiling shelves for the many books I would have. Alas, it's just a dream I would love to have one day, but not probable.

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

I had that same dream. It is something to envy, right? Most likely that dream will never come true since my house is tiny.

Enjoy your books, all the books. It's such a treasure.


For what it's worth, probably not for me either, but we can dream, can't we?😉🤗💜

You have various types of passions looks fun such an animal lover! I Also love cats they are very easy going hehe.


I am not sure if I am an animal lover just certain animals.
Cats are easy indeed. The eat and sleep.


Leer puede ser una actividad muy apasionante 🤗

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I also have a passion for art... Great write up

All types of art? Thanks for your comment! 🍀💕


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Hollywood and mass media entertainment do tend to dumb down great stories, trivialize human relationships and often exaggerate events beyond realism which are why books tend to still hold the reader's heart just the way the author intended it. ❤️
I used to read more until Hive.

I loved this and that dream with animals was such a great thing, but you did right to choose your life and family. Only so much one person can do ❤️ you are a Angel.

Books are my favorite to so I can relate, Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌹

Indeed there's only so much a person can do. If that's not recognised in time it will infect your work and health.

A great week/end to you too.


Appreciate your interest for Animal shelter. Very rarely do I hear about such an interest. Good to know you have an interest for books and the same being imparted to your children. I had worked as a school librarian so I know the importance of books

There are many animal shelters which means plenty of people who are interested but we all struggle with the same problems: location and money.

The more one reads the more one knows.


Yes I do agree with you