LOH Contest #147: my most vivid dream [ESP-ENG]

in Ladies of Hive10 months ago


¡Hola queridas ladies! Espero que su día vaya de maravilla, hoy comparto con ustedes mi entrada de la semana, quisiera contarles sobre ese sueño que llegué a sentir tan real, uno de esos que parecen no terminan nunca incluso que se repiten en diferentes oportunidades. Sin más preámbulos, iniciemos.

Hello dear ladies! I hope your day is going great, today I would like to share with you my entry of the week, I would like to tell you about that dream that I came to feel so real, one of those that never seem to end, even repeated in different opportunities. Without further ado, let's get started.


Mi sueño más vívido.

Si de sueños vívidos se trata, he tenido varios, de esos que hacen que despiertes con el corazón acelerado y cuestionándote si en realidad de trataba de un sueño. Sin embargo, en esta oportunidad les contaré uno en particular, que de solo recordarlo se eriza mi piel.

No se si en algún momento les ha pasado, sentir que al iniciar el sueño están flotando y pueden ver todo y a todos desde otra perspectiva, sin que nadie se percate que están allí. Bueno, así comienza este sueño.

My most vivid dream.

If we are talking about vivid dreams, I have had several of those that make you wake up with your heart racing and questioning if it was really a dream. However, this time I will tell you about one in particular, that just remembering it makes my skin crawl.

I don't know if it has ever happened to you, to feel that at the beginning of the dream you are floating and you can see everything and everyone from another perspective, without anyone noticing that you are there. Well, that's how this dream begins.


Estoy en la casa de mi infancia, veo a toda mi familia reunida, mis padres, tíos, primos y amigos cercanos, en sus cara veo tristeza pero no entiendo el motivo. Trato de hablarles pero no me escuchan ni me ven, intentando entender que está sucediendo. Camino por toda la casa hasta que me sorprendo con una escena particular. Un ataud en medio de la sala, rodeado de flores y en el centro uno de mis retratos favoritos.

I am in my childhood home, I see all my family gathered, my parents, uncles, aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends, in their faces I see sadness but I don't understand why. I try to talk to them but they don't hear or see me, trying to understand what is happening. I walk around the house until I am surprised by a particular scene. A coffin in the middle of the living room, surrounded by flowers and in the center one of my favorite portraits.


La tristeza invade mi corazon y las lágrimas comienzan a caer por mis mejillas. Trato de hablarles, gritarles, hacerles saber que no me he ido, que sigo aquí.

Es imposible, no pueden escucharte ni verte -dijo alguien a mi lado

No se exactamente quien era este ser, supongo que estaba allí para hacerme compañía durante mi viaje. Le dije que ya no me dolía haber fallecido, me dolía no poder despedirme de mis padres, decirle cuanto los amo, tenía tanto que decir que estar allí, viendolos sufrir y no poder hablarles me partía el corazón.

Sadness invades my heart and tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I try to talk to them, to scream at them, to let them know that I am not gone, that I am still here.

It's impossible, they can't hear you or see you -said someone next to me

I don't know exactly who this being was, I guess he was there to keep me company during my journey. I told him that it no longer hurt me to have passed away, it hurt me to not be able to say goodbye to my parents, to tell them how much I love them, I had so much to say that being there, seeing them suffer and not being able to talk to them was breaking my heart.


Luego de esta terrible pesadilla, despierto con lágrimas en mis ojos y el corazón estremecido. Me cuesta un poco caer en la realidad de que sólo se trataba de un sueño. Cuando vivía con mis padres solía ir a abrazarlos, ahora estoy lejos pero a pesar de la distancia siempre mantenemos comunicación. Me gusta hablar con ellos y decirles lo mucho que los quiero, bien dicen que "no dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy".

Gracias por llegar hasta aquí, deseando que tengan un excelente día. Un abrazo ladie.💙

After this terrible nightmare, I wake up with tears in my eyes and my heart trembling. It takes me a while to realize that it was only a dream. When I lived with my parents I used to go and hug them, now I am far away but despite the distance we always keep in touch. I like to talk to them and tell them how much I love them, they say "don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today".

Thank you for coming this far, wishing you a great day. A hug ladie.💙


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What a dream that was, heartbreaking too. But glad it's just a dream.

Good to hear that despite the distance between you and your loved ones, you are constantly connected :)


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Communication will always be the most important thing in the family. Thank you for your comment Ladie, have a happy evening. 🤗

Sounds like you need to hug your parents soon.
Thanks for sharing @yoselyncampos

Almost 4 years without a hug from them, it's long overdue. Thank you for your comment Ladie, have a nice evening.

Un sueño con una gran enseñanza,que bueno que lo has puesto en práctica y no dejar para mañana todo lo que les puedes decir a tu familia.


Asi es amiga, siempre lo tengo presente en mi día a día. Gracias por tu comentario, que tengas bonita noche Lady.

I don't know if it has ever happened to you, to feel that at the beginning of the dream you are floating and you can see everything and everyone from another perspective, without anyone noticing that you are there. Well, that's how this dream begins

I have the same , and i do admitt that I love the floating in a dream it makes me feeel strong.
Thanks for your entry


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