LOH Contest #151: Happy anniversary ladies, happy to be part of the community 💗 [ESP-ENG]


¡Hola ladies! Feliz jueves, espero estén teniendo una excelente semana. Por acá feliz de formar parte y celebrar este tercer aniversario de la comunidad. Una comunidad de mujeres maravillosas y luchadoras que a pesar de las distintas nacionalidades nos une un solo corazón. Me siento honrada de cada semana compartir mi entrada de la semana. Sin más preámbulos, iniciemos:

Hello ladies! Happy Thursday, I hope you are having a great week. Here I am happy to be part of and celebrate this third anniversary of the community. A community of wonderful women and fighters that despite the different nationalities we are united by one heart. I feel honored to share my entry of the week every week. Without further ado, let's get started:



1️⃣¿Cómo te ha beneficiado unirte a Ladies of Hive?

Por motivos de estudios y pendientes dejé de hacer vida en Hive por un par de años. Había olvidado lo bien que me hacía escribir. En el momento que lo retomé unos de mis primeros post fue en esta comunidad "Ladies Of Hive" y una vez escribí el primero fue maravilloso, esperaba cada semana por los nuevos temas. Dicen que escribir es liberador y cuanta razón tienen. Soy una mujer de pocas palabras sin embargo a la hora de escribir me dejo llevar y todo fluye.

1️⃣How has it benefited you to join Ladies of Hive?

For reasons of studies and pending I stopped doing life at Hive for a couple of years. I had forgotten how good it was for me to write. The moment I took it up again one of my first posts was in this community "Ladies Of Hive" and once I wrote the first one it was wonderful, I looked forward every week for new topics. They say writing is liberating and how right they are. I am a woman of few words, but when it comes to writing I let myself go and everything flows.


Es agradable ser miembro de esta comunidad de ladies, poder escribir abiertamente, muchas veces como mujeres nos cohibimos de hablar de ciertos temas, sin embargo acá podemos ser nosotras mismas, dejar que las palabras salgan por si solas. Incluso recuerdo un tema en específico "el orgasmo femenino" me alegró saber que muchas se motivaron a escribir sobre él, dejando a un lado los tabues. Así debería ser siempre.

It is nice to be a member of this community of ladies, to be able to write openly, many times as women we shy away from talking about certain topics, however here we can be ourselves, let the words come out by themselves. I even remember a specific topic "the female orgasm" I was happy to know that many were motivated to write about it, leaving taboos aside. That's the way it should always be.


2️⃣ Si fueras el juez de LOH esta semana, ¿qué DOS preguntas harías?

El 10 de Septiembre se celebró el Día mundial para la prevención del suicidio OPS/OMS. Producto de las altas tasas de suicidio que se han ido aumentando a nivel mundial... Debido a esto y en pro de la valiosa vida de cada persona, una de mis preguntas sería:

  • Te ha tocado abordar el intento de sucidio de un familiar o amigo? al ser un tema complicado, cuál fue tu manera de apoyar a esa persona especial y cómo lo ayudaste a salir de esa situación?

Mi segunda pregunta sería:

  • ¿Consideras que la salud mental es importante? ¿Buscarías ayuda psicológica de ser necesario?

Estas serían mis preguntas, para mi es super importante este tema, ya que por desconocimiento dejamos pasar señales de nuestros seres queridos. Actuemos a tiempo, seamos esa mano amiga en momentos difíciles.

2️⃣ If you were the LOH judge this week, what TWO questions would you ask?

September 10 marked World Suicide Prevention Day PAHO/WHO. Due to the high suicide rates that have been increasing worldwide.... Because of this and for the sake of each person's precious life, one of my questions would be:

  • Have you had to deal with the attempted suicide of a family member or friend...being a complicated issue, what was your way of supporting that special person and how did you help him/her out of that situation?

My second question would be:

  • Do you consider mental health to be important, and would you seek psychological help if necessary?

These would be my questions, for me this is a very important topic, since due to lack of knowledge we miss signs of our loved ones. Let's act in time, let's be that helping hand in difficult moments.


De nuevo felicidades por este ANIVERSARIO #3 deseando que esta hermosa comunidad siga creciendo. Muchas gracias por leerme, espero tengas un feliz día.💙

Again congratulations for this ANIVERSARY #3 wishing that this beautiful community continues to grow. Thank you very much for reading me, I hope you have a happy day.💙

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Very good questions, I would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't know a family member with serious psychological problems. Statistically, more women suffer depression than men. It is even revealed that Instagram causes depression mostly in women, so I try not to open my Instagram too often.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you for your entry to our weekly contest! 😊



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