POLIAC'17 - Sum up

in POLIAC2 months ago (edited)


The last season of #POLIAC ended a few days ago and quickly became history, I would like to dedicate one last entry to it. During 34 days we took a total of 20345791 steps, which gives an average of 565161 steps, thirteen players achieved a result above the average (@bucipuci, @benbow2017, @merthin, @browery, @manuvert, @danmaruschak, @fredkese, @masoom, @new.things, @ptaku, @cezary-io, @notak and @actifit-godfish). In terms of total steps, this season's result was 1008963 steps better than the previous season.

[POL] Ostatni sezon #POLIAC zakończył się kilka dni temu i szybko przeszedł już do historii, chciałbym poświęcić mu jeszcze jeden ostatni wpis. W trakcie 34 dni zrobiliśmy w sumie 20345791 kroków, co daje średnio 565161 kroków, trzynastu graczy osiągnęło wynik powyżej średniej (@bucipuci, @benbow2017, @merthin, @browery, @manuvert, @danmaruschak, @fredkese, @masoom, @new.things, @ptaku, @cezary-io, @notak i @actifit-godfish). Jeżeli chodzi o sumę kroków, to wynik z tego sezonu był o 1008963 kroki lepszy od poprzedniego sezonu.

Below is a chart showing the percentage of who contributed most to such a good result.

[POL] Poniżej wykres przedstawiający procentowo kto z nas przyłożył się najbardziej do tak dobrego wyniku.


There is still a week left until the full settlement of the author's post awards season. Currently, thanks to your votes, the account has gained 112,491 HP and 46,235 HBD from author's rewards, I hope that this, together with the rewards from recent posts, will allow us to secure prizes for the best in the next season. At this point, I would especially like to thank @homesteadlt and his comments.

[POL] Do pełnego rozliczenia sezonu nagród autorskich z postów brakuje jeszcze tygodnia. Na chwilę obecną dzięki waszym głosom konto wzbogaciło się z nagród autorskich o 112,491 HP i 46,235 HBD, liczę na to, że to wraz z nagrodami z ostatnich postów pozwolą zabezpieczyć nagrody dla najlepszych w kolejnym sezonie. W tym miejscu szczególnie dziękuję @homesteadlt i jego komentarzom.

Golden League.png

I presented the Golden League classification in the summary of the last round, in the meantime, HBD awards were paid for the best ten of the 17th season and awards for activity in AFIT collected throughout the season.

[POL] Klasyfikację Golden League prezentowałem w podsumowaniu ostatniej rundy, w między czasie wypłacone zostały nagrody HBD dla najlepszej dziesiątki 17-tego sezonu oraz nagrody za aktywność w AFIT zebrane przez cały sezon.

@benbow2017 - 5 HBD
@manuvert - 4,5 HBD
@merthin - 4 HBD
@browery - 3,5 HBD
@danmaruschak - 3 HBD
@bucipuci - 2,5 HBD
@fredkese - 2 HBD
@new.things - 1,5 HBD
@ptaku - 1 HBD
@notak - 0,5 HBD

@bucipuci - 1900 AFIT
@merthin - 1100 AFIT
@benbow2017 - 700 AFIT
@browery - 500 AFIT
@danmaruschak - 500 AFIT
@fredkese - 400 AFIT
@manuvert - 400 AFIT
@ptaku - 400 AFIT
@mervinthepogi - 300 AFIT
@new.things - 300 AFIT
@notak - 200 AFIT
@cezary-io - 100 AFIT

Following the example of the previous season, I think it is worth showing the ratio of points scored to steps taken. Unlike the previous season, the best players of the season turned out to be the most effective, with one exception. In this classification of the most effective player, @manuvert won (10913 steps) ahead of @benbow2017 (12290 steps) and @browery (12505 steps).

[POL] Wzorem poprzedniego sezonu, myślę, że warto pokazać, jak przedstawiał się stosunek zdobytych punktów do zrobionych kroków. W przeciwieństwie do poprzedniego sezonu najlepsi gracze w sezonie okazali się najbardziej efektywni, poza jednym wyjątkiem. W tej klasyfikacji najbardziej efektywnego gracza wygrał @manuvert (10913 kroków) przed @benbow2017 (12290 kroków) i @browery (12505 kroki).


Finally, the updated all-time rankings after sseventeen seasons, @benbow2017, thanks to winning the championship, moved from fifth place to forth position.

[POL] Na koniec zaktualizowana klasyfikacja wszech czasów po siedemnastu sezonach, @benbow2017 dzięki zdobyciu mistrzostwa awansował z piątego miejsca na czwartą pozycję.

2@flaxz (*)312
@mariya36 (*)12
@ilodz24hd (*)1
@venan (*)1

(*) Players who no longer take part in the tournament are crossed out.

In the 18th season they will compete in the GOLDEN LEAGUE: @actifit-godfish; @benbow2017; @browery; @bucipuci; @cezary-io; @cryptospa; @danmaruschak; @fredkese; @masoom; @manuvert; @merthin; @mushanov; @new.things; @notak; @practicaleric; @ptaku, @sk1920 & @trezzahn.

Silver League.png

I presented the Silver League classification in the summary of the last round, in the meantime, HBD awards were paid for the best ten of the 17th season and awards for activity in AFIT collected throughout the season.

[POL] Klasyfikację Silver League prezentowałem w podsumowaniu ostatniej rundy, w między czasie wypłacone zostały nagrody HBD dla najlepszej dziesiątki 17-tego sezonu oraz nagrody za aktywność w AFIT zebrane przez cały sezon.

@masoom - 5 HBD
@actifit-godfish - 4,5 HBD
@erikklok - 4 HBD
@silvertop - 3,5 HBD
@racibo - 3 HBD
@homesteadlt - 2,5 HBD
@krakonos - 2 HBD
@chichi18 - 1,5 HBD
@cindee08 - 1 HBD
@pjansen - 0,5 HBD

@masoom - 2500 AFIT
@actifit-godfish - 800 AFIT
@chichi18 - 500 AFIT
@erikklok - 500 AFIT
@atongis - 400 AFIT
@homesteadlt - 400 AFIT
@racibo - 300 AFIT
@cindee08 - 200 AFIT
@krakonos - 200 AFIT
@pinkhub - 200 AFIT
@silvertop - 200 AFIT
@stefannikolov - 200 AFIT
@awah - 100 AFIT
@elizabethbit - 100 AFIT
@pjansen - 100 AFIT
@svanbo - 100 AFIT

Following the example of the previous season, I think it is worth showing the ratio of points scored to steps taken. Unlike the previous season, the best players of the season turned out to be the most effective, with one exception. In this classification of the most effective player, @silvertop (5854 steps) won, followed by @krakonos (5906 steps) and @homesteadlt (5973 steps).

[POL] Wzorem poprzedniego sezonu, myślę, że warto pokazać, jak przedstawiał się stosunek zdobytych punktów do zrobionych kroków. W przeciwieństwie do poprzedniego sezonu najlepsi gracze w sezonie okazali się najbardziej efektywni, poza jednym wyjątkiem. W tej klasyfikacji najbardziej efektywnego gracza wygrał @silvertop (5854 kroków) przed @krakonos (5906 kroków) i @homesteadlt (5973 kroki).


In the 17th season they will compete in the SILVER LEAGUE: @anna-newkey; @asia-pl; @atongis; @awah; @chichi18; @cindee08; @davidthompson57: @elizabethbit; @erikklok; @homesteadlt; @krakonos; @pinkhub; @pjansen; @racibo; @silvertop; @stefannikolov; @svanbo & ONE VACANT PLACE @nabbas0786.


I left the most awaited information for dessert. The next, eighteenth season of #POLIAC will start on May 27th, 2024. So couple weeks for rest, or preparation for an excellent start.

Next season starts May 27th, 2024

Piotr A. Marszalek.png


oh wow this sounds like fun! how do you sign up for the next season?

For next season, we have a full house, and I will put your name on a waiting list because there is a rule that inactivity for the first 5 rounds is disqualified. It happened in the past, so be vigilant :)

oh thanks!

will be vigilant. :D

How to participate in the tournament?

For the upcoming season, I have one vacant place, if you want to join, I can count you in.
There is nothing more to do, just walk and publish Actifit report daily during the season. Every day, you will compete with different players from all over the world.
Let me know if you want to join.

Yes! I am exited and willing to join ;)
Thanks for asking and opportunity btw 😺😊

Welcome to POLIAC. Next season starts 27th May, so you have a lot of time to prepare 😉

I just need to upload my daily Actifit report card, anything else needed?

Right, just publish report, nothing else.

That's great! 🌿 🍀 🌿

Hello, is still possible partecipate in next season? Or I’m late/need to qualified to try to compete? (Silver of course, or maybe bronze 😂).

Thank you!


I am just on the way to organizing the season. So far, I have complete, but I will put you on a waiting list because every season we have someone who resigns at the very last moment.

I really appreciate! Thank you, I will wait my turn!

Good luck for the new season!

Everyone have a good rest, we will all be back for the new season.... Thanks @poliac for a great season!!🤗

Thank you for this contest.


@krakonos passed you the virtual joint!
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Hey, thanks a lot for yet another great season. Plenty of suspense in this one! In my case, I think the high efficiency had a lot to do with some luck at the end of the season.
Of course, thanks also for the rewards!
Hope to see y'all next season, fresh and rested.

@poliac! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ manuvert. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I'm not sure what went wrong for me except some unlucky results maybe. But rest assured I will be looking for promotion again, for sure, into the golden league. 😁

I'd like to add a well done to @poliac and @browery for another great season.

Another great season thanks to @browery.
Thanks for crediting the reward

Hope to be in top 3 sometime.

What happened with @flaxz

As always a ton of fun to compete in these! :) congrats to the winners!
@tipu curate 4

oh, it's another month before starting the next season?.... !LOL

I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

Credit: reddit
@poliac, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of svanbo
