POLIAC'17 - Day 21

in POLIAC3 months ago


The third week of the 17th season is already behind us, it's time to summarize the twenty-first round. Attendance - 88.89%, in total we took 551042 steps, which gives an average of 17220 steps. A quiet weekend can only herald one thing: saving your strength for the final game.

[POL] Trzeci tydzień 17.ego sezonu już za nami, czas na podsumowanie dwudziestej pierwszej rundy. Frekwencja - 88,89%, w sumie zrobiliśmy 551042 kroki, co daje średnią 17220 kroków. Spokojny weekend może zwiastować tylko jedno, oszczędzanie sił na finałową rozgrywkę.

Golden League.png

Once again, the duel of @danmaruschak was the most exciting, this time he confronted @merthin. They both occupy high positions in the table and are fighting for the championship title. @merthin is the only one of the current TOP 5 who has never been on the POLIAC podium once in his long career, the other four have championship titles in their collection. The tournament is quite a demanding competition that requires great commitment from players throughout the season or a clever game strategy. Both players lack neither determination nor strategy, but @danmaruschak turned out to be the better one in this round. @bucipuci defeated @practicaleric in his weekend form, thanks to which his loss to the leader is minimal. @browery improved his best result of the season, but improving his place in the table depends on the mistakes of higher-ranked rivals.

[POL] Po raz kolejny najwięcej emocji dostarczył pojedynek @danmaruschak, tym razem skonfrontował się z @merthin. Obaj zajmują wysokie pozycje w tabeli i walczą o mistrzowski tytuł. @merthin jako jedyny z obecnej TOP5 w długiej karierze ani razu nie zameldował się na podium POLIAC, pozostała czwórka ma w kolekcji tytuły mistrzowskie. Turniej jest dość wymagającą rywalizacją, która wymaga dużego zaangażowania od graczy przez cały sezon lub sprytnej strategii gry. Jednemu i drugiemu graczowi nie brakuje ani determinacji, ani strategi, ale w tej rundzie lepszym okazał się @danmaruschak. @bucipuci w weekendowej formie pokonał @practicaleric, dzięki temu jego strata do lidera jest minimalna. @browery poprawił swój najlepszy wynik w sezonie, ale poprawa jego miejsca w tabeli zależy od błędów rywali wyżej klasyfikowanych.

Round 212024-03-24Results
@bucipuci@practicaleric17333 - 7711
@cryptospa@cezary-io13849 - 13662
@sk1920@mervinthepogi10423 - 0
@merthin@danmaruschak41777 - 49227
@fredkese@notak16831 - 15235
@manuvert@davidthompson5725255 - 20260
@ptaku@mushanov0 - 17088
@new.things@browery20447 - 34389
@trezzahn@benbow20178409 - 34605

Best score in Golden League - @danmaruschak - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @merthin - 100 AFIT




Ranking table for GOLDEN LEAGUE

Silver League.png

Two top fights, @silvertop vs. @masoom and @erikklok vs. @actifit-godfish. @masoom's win is not surprising because he is winning everything this season, but @actifit-godfish's second loss in a row is surprising. The beginning of the season was excellent for the debutant from the Czech Republic, but at the end of the third week he got winded, hopefully he will have enough strength until the end of the season. @erikklok moved up to third place, replacing @silvertop. With @racibo's defeat, I have the impression that the question of promotion will be decided between the mentioned four. @svanbo improved its best result of the season for the second time in a row, which resulted in winning the match against @pinkhub. @anna-newkey also achieved the best result of the season, in her case, it was also enough to win the match against @asia-pl.

[POL] Dwa pojedynki w czołówce, @silvertop kontra @masoom oraz @erikklok kontra @actifit-godfish. Wygrana @masoom nie dziwi, bo w tym sezonie wszystko wygrywa, dziwi natomiast druga porażka z rzędu @actifit-godfish. Początek sezonu był doskonały w wykonaniu debiutanta z Czech, ale pod koniec trzeciego tygodnia złapał zadyszkę, oby mu starczyło sił do końca sezonu. @erikklok awansował na trzecie miejsce, zastąpił na nim @silvertop. Przy porażce @racibo mam wrażenie, że między wspomnianą czwórką rozstrzygnie się kwestia awansu. @svanbo po raz drugi z rzędu poprawił swój najlepszy wynik w sezonie, zaprocentowało to wygraniem meczu z @pinkhub. Najlepszy wynik w sezonie zrobiła też @anna-newkey, w jej przypadku też wystarczyło to do wygrania meczu z @asia-pl.

Round 212024-03-24Results
@stefannikolov@krakonos8063 - 5096
@anna-newkey@asia-pl16561 - 5618
@erikklok@actifit-godfish17563 - 14772
@pjansen@awah8425 - 0
@chichi18@cindee0812693 - 13583
@silvertop@masoom13986 - 28380
@elizabethbit@atongis12075 - 0
@racibo@homesteadlt6068 - 12869
@svanbo@pinkhub21184 - 7605

Best score in Silver League - @masoom - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @actifit-godfish - 100 AFIT



Ranking table for SILVER LEAGUE

Piotr A. Marszalek.png


As the battle for podium is really electrifying this season, I have an incentive for players in the middle of the table. In the next @macfit season (qualifiers on April 5-6, main season kicks off on April 11), 4 slots will be allocated to the best @poliac players. However, since some players have already qualified, the free ticket will go the 4 best of:

The selection will be based on @poliac Golden League final standings.

If @mevrinthepogi doesn't come back, there will an additional slot. It goes to the best not-yet-qualified player from @macfit ranking and it's @new.things

The next update will be interesting. I did over 42k, but not enough for @bucipuci. If @fredkese and @browery have won their Monday matches, they will be very close to the top 5. These two are probably too far behind to fight for the championship, but close enough to dash for the podium. Today @browery can get closer, if he defeats @manuvert. For @fredkese the test comes on Thursday, when he will face @merthin. I'd dare say that losers in these two matches could forget about the podium.

If winter suddenly doesn't turn Oregon pathways into ice, @danmaruschak will be scoring wins, but will be still trailing behind @benbow2017, as the latter has now some "easy" matches in front of him (but nothing is easily gained in this game...) until he will be tested by @merthin, @fredkese and @browery - all 3 matches over the Easter time. Who's going into festive mode, losses the battle.

Let's keep it up!

I am adding @browery to the small table of the top players. Interestingly, in the matches played so far, he lost all games against the top players. On the other hand, he is very effective when playing against lower ranked players - taking it all.

@danmaruschak is the king of the small table, but loses points elsewhere. @merthin is doing surprisingly well against the top players. @benbow2017 has lost so far only 3 times in the whole season and all 3 defeats came from the top players.


being the master of spoilers...
22 @danmaruschak - @ptaku 27384 - 27666

oh la la!

Ładny mecz :)

jestem Ci winny dobre piwo! Po porażce w bezpośrednim meczu wydawało się że straciłem szanse na wyprzedzenie Oregonianina, a tu proszę - otwiera się okienko możliwości!

6 kwietnia organizuję "Pociąg w góry" z Czantorią. Jak masz ochotę to wbiegnij na piwo do Koliby albo czeskiej Chaty Cantoryje. Przyjeżdżamy pociągiem 9:30 do Ustronia Polana


Hey @ptaku, here is a little bit of BEER from @merthin for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

YAY!! 🤟😄

It's great to have been doing better than my best result so far, but why did I just have to compete against the last one in the league? !LOL No offence @pinkhub

Apparently to start a zoo you need at least 2 pandas a grizzy and 3 polars.
It’s the bear minimum.

Credit: reddit
@poliac, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of svanbo



Hahah you didn't have to be so mean brother 😭

I was just trying to be funny mate !LOL

Why was an insomniac shot by the police?
He was resisting a rest.

Credit: reddit
@pinkhub, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of svanbo

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