What is necessary to make my post profitable.

in Ecencylast month

Greetings friends!

I tried to make my post profitable since I joined steem (which hardfork into Hive and steem now) in 2018. Some of my posts become profitable. I am not saying my posts become as profitable as the posts of the top creator but it's payout become more than equal to one token. I have discovered some shortcomings which are making my post not as popular as they should have been.

  1. I am not interacting with people as I should have been. I am not in a state to do so because of paucity of time.

  2. I am not making alliance with people which can make my post profitable.

  3. I am writing on complex matters which people can't understand.

  4. People are here for making profit. They don't read posts which are lengthy.

  5. Perhaps people don't like the subjects which I choose for my posts.

However, I think that engaging with people is the crucial thing which I am missing. This is the critical thing on which I should work.

What do you think?

(picture is just for attracting your attention)


This is a very interesting topic for debate, but if you are looking for profits instead of having a blog you will end up having a job, just another one. Another question to take into consideration is, do you have the blog or does the blog have you?

थम्बनेल फोटो का सही इस्तेमाल किया है। बाकी प्रॉफिट बनाने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए वो अपने लिख दिया। लोग ट्रेवल और अच्छे क्लिक फोटो को बहुत पसंद करते और तगड़े उपवोट प्राप्त करते।

Posting to Hive costs you time but besides that in terms of what it costs you compared to what you most likely will get back from making a post, every post is profitable.

It kind of reminds me of a Jerry Clower comedy routine. There's my first few posts starting out which had almost no upvote value and everything else after that is profit. So keep posting!😀


Why was Pavlov's beard so soft?
Because he conditioned it.

Credit: reddit
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