Why I Like My Food Shopping From The Open Market: Ecency Discord Topic: FOOD SHOPPING

in Ecencylast year (edited)

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/basket-bassinet-business-cart-264547/

This is my entry for Ecency Discord Topic: FOOD SHOPPING organized by @mypathtofire
First of all I would like to share the google map location of the mart called Express Mart which is a shopping mall that specializes in selling food items.

Source: Photo taken from my cell phone.

Why Do I Love Processed Food Shopping From Express Super Mart

Below are the main reasons why I love shopping for my food products from Express Super Mart:

  • Products are available in a variety of categories, including frozen meals, and household goods, at Express Super Mart. This implies that you won't need to visit many stores because everything you need is available in one location.
  • Convenient location: Express Super Mart is frequently found in well-lit, accessible locations, like those close to residential neighborhoods or significant junctions. This makes it simple to go to and from the store without a car.
  • Competitive pricing: Express Super Mart provides its products at competitive rates. This implies that you can reduce your spending without compromising on quality.
  • Friendly and accommodating personnel: Express Super Mart has an accommodating and friendly staff. They are always happy to respond to your inquiries and assist you in finding what you're looking for.
  • Store that is spotless and well-maintained: Express Super Mart is spotless and well-maintained. This makes it simple to swiftly and effectively shop and find what you need.

Please note even though Express super mart has a wide variety of products ranging from meat, chicken and other items but they do not sell fresh vegetables and fruits.

I Buy Fresh Vegetables And Fruits From A Nearby Open Market Shop That Has No Walls

Source: Photo taken from my cell phone
As you can see from above photo I buy fresh vegetables and fruits from an open ended without walls shop as they sell fresh stuff.
Here are my reasons as to why I buy fresh vegetables and fruits from an open market:

  • Freshness: Produce sold at open markets is frequently more recent than that found in stores. This is due to the fact that produce is frequently picked and sold on the same day, if not hour.
  • Variety: Compared to supermarkets, open markets frequently provide a broader selection of produce. This is due to the fact that local farmers, who might cultivate a greater variety of crops, are frequently able to supply them with their produce.
  • Open markets frequently offer lower prices than supermarkets. This is due to the fact that they do not have the same overhead expenses as supermarkets, such as rent and employment costs.
  • Buying food from public markets is a great way to support your neighborhood farmers. This keeps money moving around in your neighborhood and supports local farmers.
  • Shopping at an open market may be a pleasant and entertaining experience. Get some fresh air while conversing with the farmers and learning about their crops.
  • You may inspect the product for quality, flaws, and freshness before you purchase it, which is vital.
    You are welcome to inquire about the product: Open-air market vendors frequently have farmers on hand to answer inquiries about their produce.
  • If you are purchasing for a family or large group of people, buying in bulk can help you save money.

Of course, purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables from a public market has certain drawbacks as well. For instance, the vegetables might not be year-round and might not be as carefully sorted as it is in supermarkets. However, the advantages of shopping on open markets frequently exceed the drawbacks.


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thanks for the update @hivebuzz

You're welcome @liquidocelot, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍

Thanks for sharing your shopping habits. The open market looks the best option here for vegetables and fruit.