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RE: Mobile - Quick replies, native render and more

in Ecency2 years ago (edited)

hey :)
I use ur app for quite a while now and also have some ecency points now, which I want to use
I already had the problem that I got no vote at all and wrote you a comment asking for a refund, which I got a week later, I think

now boosting through app seems to work.. but also not perfect, cuz I only get around half the vote I boosted for (or other said, while boosting it tells me I'd receive double the vote I really get..)

still great app :) I'm sure you will fix it





woah 200 points are $2.3 ? Is this ecency point on hive-engine like @waivio utility tokens on hive-enginez ? (haha lets add Zksnarks ZEOS tech smart contracts to ecency for ecenzy or Zecency or ezency

yeah EZency e-zen sea haha yeah like zksnarks + hive and ecency dapp for a privacy anonymous social media experience where you get paid in privacy coins

we could use ecency for real life mixing and parties where people spend their money in giant parking garages full of cars and boxes liek a giant sksnarks maze in real life

Sadly I dont think ecency points are on Hive engine

Cool to still see you around
What happened out of all those endless crazy ideas you had all the years?

Estimation had bug, new version should be more accurate, but it will always be estimation and not exact due to multiple factors.