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Sorry to hear it. Is she taking good care of herself? or are you helping her? I hope all is well with her. It's something we will live with the rest of our lives. There is no cure. We can only manage it as best we can.

Thanks for sharing.


If we try to make her take care of herself. Although sometimes it makes us complicated because of the food issue here in Venezuela

I understand about the numerous issues in your country. Hope things get better soon and you can obtain some healthy food choices for mom.

Take care both of you.

That is my greatest wish. To be able to have a good diet for her and her diabetes and for me to lose weight

I understand. It's really hard when you don't have the necessary nutritional foods for a balanced meal each day. I'm sending prayers for you and your mom. I know first hand how difficult it is without the right resources. It's not just in your country, but all over the world the need is great.

So is. I know that everything is being quite difficult all over the world ... Believe me that is why I am here living in Venezuela is not easy and a month's salary is like $ 3 here if I do things well I can get a little more to be able to buy some food

You are kidding, right? $3/month is an acceptable wage? Then living expenses must be low. I thought you were going to say $3/hour.

I wish I was kidding but that's the way it is. Just recently my mom collected her salary for the month and said she wanted to cry that she bought with it. That if it weren't for me and my job I wouldn't have a way to buy food