Farewell, Grandpa!

in Inner Blocks26 days ago (edited)

Hello and welcome to my space!

I hope you are all doing great today, and I hope this new week will bring amazing blessings your way.

About a month ago, I left my city of residence and travelled to the my mother's place, the town where I was brought up. The days went by quickly, and today I am counting 4weeks spent here already.

This would be my first time spending this long number of weeks away from my own home since I got married 21 years ago! I have always visited home from time to time, but never spent more than 3weeks.

What happened this time?

I lost my maternal grandfather. He died on the 10th of December, 2023. But the children he left behind decided to fix the burial ceremony to hold on 26th April, 2024. This is because they needed time to plan and prepare for the funeral rites.

My grandfather lived to be 101years. He was 50 years when I was born as the second grandchild (though the first Granddaughter).

In April 2023, we had all returned home for his centenary birthday celebration. He was very happy, and so were we all. A thanksgiving service was held in St. Phillips Anglican Church, Ogidi, Anambra State, Nigeria which was attended by several people from home and abroad, to honour him as the oldest man.

One of the things he said was that in one year's time, people will gather again to celebrate. Alas, one year later we gathered again to celebrate his triumphant exit.

The pictures that were used for the banners and flyers were taken during his 100th birthday celebration. Just look at that smile of fulfilment on his face!

He was a man blessed with strength and vitality which continued till his old age. As at 99 years of age, he was still walking by himself, though by the time he celebrated 100, he agreed to use the walker bought by his children. He continued to feed himself until he grew weaker and weaker.

He actually started getting weaker a few months to his 100th, so my mother was fully on ground to look after him.

My long stay at home this time is to keep my mother company, as she recovers from the stress she went through while taking care of her father. I had actually planned that we would go back to my place together, but she said she still needs to sort a lot of things out. So, I will have to go back alone until she is ready.


I miss my grandfather!

He doubled up as a father after my own father died in 1981. My brother and I grew up in my mum's family after my father's death as my paternal family never even cared about how we fared.

My grandfather would attend PTA meetings if my mother was not around. Anything that required a father's presence, he never hesitated. Many people used to think that I am his last born child, only close people knew because I and my brother maintained our dad's surname. When I did my wedding in 2003, it was my grandpa that gave my hand away in marriage... I can't forget the hug he gave me after signing the marriage register, and I noticed the tears😪.

Yes, there are tears 😢. I am grateful that my grandpa lived a long and fruitful life. I am grateful that he saw his great-grandchildren (my children and my brother's own). I am grateful for the words of blessing he kept speaking over me and my family. I am grateful for the values with which he impacted me by His exemplary life of contentment.

Now, I can only say, "Adieu Papa! May your sweet soul rest in perfect peace. Amen 🙏."

Thank you for reading to this point. May God bless you abundantly with long life and prosperity. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, and I will get back to you.

All images are mine, taken with my phone.

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So sorry for the loss dear friend
Many a time I think about thw way we plan burial ceremonies in Nigeria. I think we need to touch the traditions
The expenses are just too much

Thank you so much, bros mi! I agree with you on the need to revisit the traditions in our land, because the expenses are not here😂. But I think things are better now compared to when I was growing up. Those days were something else, but the youth of our town have been working seriously to make changes and we are seeing the results of their efforts.

Thank you so much for visiting ❤

Sorry for your loss, separation from the flesh is always painful regardless how long one lived. I pray he finds rest with the Lord. May his soul continue to rest in peace.

Thank you so much for your comforting words, bro. I really appreciate you. God bless you abundantly!