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RE: A Human Quality

in Reflections2 months ago

I believe we can be two sides of the same coin, terribly selfish and self-serving as well as empathetic and caring.
I believe that being good is a state of consciousness and we will never be perfectly good.
I believe that morality is fickle and malleable, depending on what a group of individuals consider it to be.
I believe that we can act more in function of our own good than our own evil.
Can a rich person dispense with his natural resources in order not to pollute the environment any more, even if it means losing his status in life?
Can a low-income person work sustainably to support his family?

I believe that everything can be from the conscience of each one.


Morality as a social construct is fickle, but should it be as fickle as an individual's? Most people seem to consider themselves in good moral standing, but have never actually reflected on what that means, cross-referenced with their own behaviors. What would we find if we actually evaluated ourselves well?

We would find that we are not perfect, and if perfection is given by being a good person, we will never be 100%...and we would come back to the question: What does it mean to be a good person?
It is always a loop.

Sorry, but I'm a terrible analyst...😔