I Choose to be a Person of Light

in Reflections2 months ago


I have always thought that we should walk through life as nicely as we can. With this I want to say many things that throughout my years I have verified and lived; I think that our transit must be accompanied by kindness in the first place, because you do not know if with a simple gesture of cordiality you can change someone's day. Many times we have a bad day and suddenly you meet that nice person who always has a smile on his face and with a joke he brightens up the moment or you are walking down the street with a heavy day, stressed and someone gives you his seat in the public transport, that gesture makes your day more bearable.

Or also, when you strive to do your job in the best way and your boss recognizes your dedication, it encourages you to continue to give good results in your performance. On the other hand, it is very true what they say out there, something like this, words can build or destroy a person... and that is right, that is why we must take care of what we say to people, because with them we can help them, encourage them or, on the contrary, destroy them, discourage them; we must take into account that not all our days are the same and that sometimes we need a kind detail, a good comment, even a constructive criticism, focused on helping us.


That young carpenter said it very well 2000 years ago: "let us love one another". Let us have more empathy with others, let us put ourselves in other people's shoes, let us not do to others what we would not like them to do to us. It is very true that we know when something makes someone uncomfortable, because we know that this action would make us uncomfortable, that should be our guide when dealing with our fellow men... not all of us have the same levels of sensitivity or tolerance, that is why we must be prudent with others, since we are not at the end of knowing what that person is going through.

With kindness, with gentleness we gain more friends, more good neighbors, more good colleagues at school, at work; we keep better our environments, relationships and definitely the world would be a better place, if we applied this more in our lives and the golden rule that should prevail is: if you have nothing good to say, it is better not to say anything, so you do not harm the person, but you will not add more burden to their days.

That what does not add, does not subtract, is my great reflection. In our reality, there are different types of people, those who are light and those who are like a black cloud; let's try to be those who illuminate the lives of others, let's live and share beautifully, greetings!


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Banner @brujita18


Kindness is indeed a virtue everyone should have.

Our kind acts always encourages others.


That's right, kindness is the principle of good living and good sharing, greetings!🌷

Thank Goodness you said kindness and not niceness... Sometimes I feel when you're extremely or overly nice or too nice everytime, people tend to take advantage of that and use you if that makes any sense. I'm not trying to be a buff or anything. I totally agree to what you say about Kindness. And our words have strong impacts on people, that's very true

Kindness in its right measure is always a balm for those who need a caress of love, of good humanity. I'm glad for your visit and your kind comment🌷


I must say, your blog is a glowing blog like you.

Thank you for this post am really blessed.

I agree with you. Words are very powerful, they can build or destroy which is why it's best not to talk than to talk down on people.


This is how we can be a source of blessing or curse. Thank you for your visit🌹

This was such a beautiful read my !Lady and I enjoyed every bit of it🥰🥰

Just a little observation, when you submitted your post on Dreemport I think you submitted your post link as the title of your post.

Always a #dreemerforlife

Thank you for your valuable comment, I appreciate it. I sent this post to the #reflections community to nowhere else, is what I understand, greetings!

Hello @brujita18,

It's a nice call you've made. Kindness is definitely something that helps a lot and changes lives.

Regarding "being a light"... (yes, we can all shine with different intensity)

#dreemerforlife 😉

Hi @nanixxx🌼
That's right, we all have different intensity of light, the interesting thing is that we have it, always for ourselves and for others. Thanks for your kind visit, 🌼🌷👻

You're welcome, my friend. It has been a pleasure!